Stanford University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Stanford University? Why?


Campus dining


Although there are things here and there I think Stanford could do better, overrall the worst thing about the place is simply how much it costs. It's definitely worth it, but it's still a hefty price tag!


When students enter this school as freshmen, they tend to think that everybody is perfect - it's not true!


People feel like they are entitled once they come here. I also feel as though people feel like they know everything so feel the need to comment on things they know nothing about. For instance, people speak about others from different cultures, economic backgrounds, etc. with such authority even though they have no idea what they are talking about. I also feel likewe have a lot of real diversity here but people often do not take advantage of it.


The worst thing is that every need is met. It is the best thing and the worst thing. People at Stanford are isolated from the rest of the world although they are from all over the world and are constantly studying it. Luckily, there are well-developed programs for international exposure.


There aren't that many stores or fast-food chains on campus for quick food, but I guess that's better for my health.