I have/will obtain the skills i need to assist me in my future to better provide for my son and me. With out this education i would not be able to aford the things we need on a day to day basis and would be extreamely diffacult to assist my son when he goes to college.
I have also learned how to better manage my time, and be more efficent in daily task.
So far I have learned that College is a privalege and not a right, and that if you dont do your work and try your best then you will fail, because college is not like high school where you are hand feed everything. In college no one cares about you and you are on your own and must learn things by yourself.
Well since I have never attended any college before, the experience I am going through right now is chaotic, yet it is a relief toknow that I will sonn be attenting to college. And I think it will be valuable in the end because then I could become a great person in the future, so it is worth all of the struggle I am going through.
Within this first quarter of Stanford, I've acccrued the cliche college catch; a new, great circle of friends, a wider and more inquisitive and accepting view of the world, a humbling of my accomplishments, and volumes of knowledge and sharper, stronger problem solving skills.
Beyond the generic college improvements, I've gone from an occasional runner to a dedicated athlete practicing four times a week for Stanford's ultimate frisbee team. This novel experience for me has renovated my health and clearly demonstrated the value of a strong, active body, a good diet, and a plentiful, daily dose of sleep. This sport has ultimately given me a strong body to augment and accelerate the growth of a strong mind. Moreover, the Stanford sports team community and mentality is a truly rewarding experience - a tightly knit family of intellectually hungry scholars who are dedicated to lively a holistically good life through a strong body and mind.
In addition to the value of this community and a health body, Stanford's myriad of brilliant, hungry intellectuals has bombarded my mind with a plethora of inspiring ideas and accomplishments that has exponentiated my hunger for intellectual growth and improvement.
Though I had my hesitations and considered a smaller liberal arts college, in retrospect, no other place could have given provided a richer, more dynamic place to learn and grow into a young adult with strong values. I've gained lifelong friends, strong communications skills, deep connections not just on campus but also around the world, and and most of all, the courage to carve an alternative path as I continue my learning and growth beyond my undergraduate years. As a Chinese American passionate about Buddhist and interfaith chaplaincy, the hospice movement, feminist issues, and social justice, my interests often raise eyebrows. But this path feels just right for me, and I'm deeply indebted to the people I met at Stanford who encouraged me to find my true calling: from my partner of three years to some best friends I still keep in touch with to my honors thesis advisor--all continue to be avid, nonjudgmental champion and supporters in my unfolding journey--something I never experienced growing up. Through the academic, religious/spiritual, and social/emotional opporunties--and challenges--that Stanford offered, I am well-equipped for what lies ahead.
Being that I go to a community college and you always hear negative remarks about them, I'm happy to say that my experience has been nothing but a pleasant one. I'm met multiple students who have helped me along the way and I'm glad to have shared this college experience with them. I'd definitely consider a few of them close friends and will continue to establish our relationships. Additionally, I'm happy to share that I have had some amazing professors who have helped get me right back on track since I was out of school for over 9 years. I now feel confident enough to move forward in my education and hopefully get into a nursing school so I can become a registered nurse.
My college experiance has changed me, I was more of a slacker in High School but working and being a full time college student has matured me. I have gotten my priorities straight and learned to manage my life wisely. My college experiance has helped me face reality and grow up.
It would almost be easier to name what I haven't get out of my college experience so far. I have made lifelong friends, met fantastic faculty, listened to very inspirational speakers and been exposed to opportunities I would not expect in my wildest dreams, all while getting a top-of-the-line educational experience at one of the most prestigious universities in the United States. Although I am just a sophomore, the things I have experienced so far at Stanford have far exceeded anything I could have ever imagined. It's scary to think that I've only been here for a little over a year and have seen what I have seen. How much more could I possibly get (or expect) out of my college experience?
College so far has been an experience like no other, at once intellectually stimulating, completely new, and yet strangely comfortable. I fit in better here than anywhere else I've been before -- high school, my track team, the choir I was in for 10 years.
I love the atmosphere of intellectual purpose that one finds in college, and the fact that there's a just-as-important common goal of meeting the greatest people you can meet, learning as much as you can about life, and discovering what it is that you might want to do once you leave the (formal , at least) educational system.
Whether I'm cycling in the hills of the Portola Valley, studying until 2am in my dorm, frantically working out a proof on my midterm, or just sitting down on the grass and watching the world go by, college is the most fulfilling experience I've had so far. I have high hopes for my remaining years, and no doubts that these hopes will be realized.
A college education will pave my path towards my goal of becoming a journalist. I have found journalism as a way not only to bring a story to my readers/viewers but as a way to take them with me as I journey from our own backyards to the other side of the world. Sharing builds bridges across societal vantage points, ethnic, racial and cultural divides and paves a path that that can lead to togetherness and harmony; a unity and awareness that could potentially lead towards the betterment of the world.