Stanford University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


Some majors are a lot more work than others -- especially in the engineering fields. It's really important not to compare yourself, and your work load with others.


Classes are designed to make tests too hard for most people.


Better time management skills. How to relax a bit more.


I wish I had known the importance of interning at companies as well as of the career-placement resources available at Stanford. This would have made job-hunting a lot easier coming out of college.


Fraternity life


There's nothing to do off campus. It gets boring quick, and because everyone is so smart and/or unique, it makes for a kind of awkward social scene.


I wish that I had known more about the process for declaring your major.


I wish I had had some inkling of what an amazing experience this would be.


That is it NOT ALWAYS hot and sunny.


I needed to take some calc courses in high school... that would have made a few of the intro science and math courses MUCH easier and raised my GPA considerably.