State University of New York at New Paltz Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about State University of New York at New Paltz!


Our location in the Hudson Valley gives us access to a variety of expereices. We are a few hours from NYC, a five minute walk to the down town, and a 15 min drive to the mountains.


Almost everyone who attends this school will you tell you to come here. I haven't found that with other universities attended by friends of mine. Everyone at New Paltz wants more people to come to New Paltz.


It was a small liberal school within state bounds. It was both further east (towards civilization) and in country-esque surrounds. It was not a particularly expensive school. It seemed to offer all of the benefits of college while at the same time allowing me to remain unfocused for as long as I wanted. To be plain, it was a play ground where I could experiment until I matured a little more.


New Paltz is in a great location. For people who are used to city life, New Paltz is a big change. It is located in the middle of mountains and neighboring farmland. Even with its very rural environment, New Paltz is very close to the city of Poughkeepsie, and in the middle of Albany and New York City. The people who go to SUNY New Paltz are also very unique; everything from their clothing to their values and ideals. These are people who really want to make a difference and are not afraid of what other people think of them.


Theres a beautiful body of water right in the middle of the campus. the scenery of the mountains are beautiful


*My School wasn't listed in the drop down- I am an American student (from NY) who has decided to study as an international student at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, ON, Canada. This is the only school I considered that was not in the US-it had the most types of engineering offered in one school that I could find. It also had tons of activities, clubs, and sports.


It's an open community of students who have similar interests academically and personally. You will gain worldly experience as a student and a person as a whole. One will learn how to balance different aspects of their lives.


This school is extremely liberal and artsy. There are a variety of different cultures and people represented around round campus, and the scenery is beautiful.


SUNY New Paltz is an up and coming school with a great price tag close to NYC and Long Island. Its artsy reputation and down to earth student body makes it a real attractive option. The funky town with it's 60's vibe and beautiful surrounding mountains makes this a popular destination. I think it will continue to attract the best and brightest who want something other than the traditional school experience.


The town of New Paltz is very much alive and full of students as well as other community members. You can walk from campus to town and back, and see so many people that you know. Everyone is very friendly, so meeting new people is no problem. The moutains are so close to the town that a retreat to hike, climb, walk, bike, or swim can be an after-class visit or an all weekend event.