Stephens College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Stephens College know before they start?


You don't need to know who you want to be, or what you want to do, or where geographically you want to go, but it is really important to find a school that fits who you are and still leaves room for you to grow. Think about the kind of people you want to meet and understand that you probably won't meet them--but somebody much better. College is about rediscovering yourself and trying new things. It doesn't give you answers, so don't expect it to. College is about teaching yourself to look for answers in places you hadn't thought of before. Know that you will leave a lot behind, but you shouldn't feel lost. The journey to get back to that place of comfort is one of the best you will ever take. Take off that seatbelt and open that door; college is a freefall.


Without a doubt, I would tell myself that "developing an adequate study system is crucial in college. Just attending every class is not enough. Writing down everything the teacher writes and hoping you'll remember everything is not enough! If you have trouble thinking of an effective way to study, get over your pride and ask for help. Teachers and counselors WANT to see you succeed and to give good grades. Pay especially close attention to the classes you don't necessarily enjoy going to. They will be your downfall. " As for the financial aspect, "refrain from spending money on luxuries. Save your money for necessities. Shop thrifty! Instead of buying pizza every night, go grocery shopping and purchase food that will stay. Preferably, generic brands. ....Quit smoking now while its easier! Not only is it obviously awful for your health but that's five dollars a day that you'd have to spend on better things. "


Cherish every moment of your experience in college. As soon as you graduate, life is different. You cannot hang on to the moments of your high school past but rather live in the moment. Take everything in stride and don't be afraid to take risks. At first, things may seem new and frightening, but you'll be surprised by how quickly your dorm room becomes home, your friends become your family, and these classrooms become your future. Every opportunity given to you is priceless, so don't waste them. Each day is given for you to learn so don't repeat your mistakes and take each chance to make yourself a better person. Listen to what others have to tell you, but at the same time don't change yourself to make others happy. You are in charge of your life and it is your responsibility to reach your full potential. Everybody is a critic but it is your job to prove them wrong. Show them what you are capable of and you may surprise yourself. But no matter what happens, don't forget to breath.


Knowing what I know now about college life, I would tell my high school self to be strong and to rely on myself more. I would not want to change the things that have happened in my college life but I would like to change the way I felt about them. I would tell myself to stop regreting, to learn from my mistakes, and to move on. Relying on myself would make me a stronger person and would help me make it through the tough situations that come with adult life.


Knowing what I know now about college and the responsibilities that come with it, I would tell myself to take risks and to get involved! This will add to the experiences that can be reflected on scholarship applications, resumes and even job opportunities. Reflecting on high school I also would be more grateful for all the sacrifices educators, mentors and my family have made for my future. I would also tell myself to apply for any scholarship available for every bit counts. In regards to the financial aspect of college, I would tell myself to save more of my paychecks, rather than spending it fruitlessly. I would open a separate account to save the funds that were to be used while in college. Once I have transitioned into college life, I would tell myself to keep in touch with my friends from high school; there will be a time when we will want to reminisce about days gone by. I would make it very important to keep the relationships with my family members strong. Although we are far apart this is a time for me to mature and spread my wings.


Find a school that fits you, don't be afraid to transfer. You dont want to be miserable for four years. Find clubs that make it easier to narrow down the pool and make some good friends.


Visit the campus on a private visit, not during a special weekend. Stay with a student. In college, focus on your work but also on your friends and having fun. Study what you love.


The first step in finding the right college is visiting the college. It is very important to keep visiting the college you would like to attend; this way you can get a feel of what the college is like every time you visit. See if you can do over night visits and sit in on a class discussion. It is important to see what the class sizes are and if you would feel comfortable in a class. Also, try to picture your self going to that college and if you can then that may be the college for you. To make the most of you college experience get involved in as many clubs as you can. Don't overwhelm your self but join clubs that interest you. Try new things. It is always good to make a variety of friends and experience new things. I had a friend that was Catholic and I went to a service with her. It was actually fun. Have fun but also keep in mind that you are paying for school and you need to work hard at it. Forming study groups helps a lot.


Is it the college to best prepare you for your career? Are you picking the college because of your major or because or it's football team?


Throughout my college experience I have grown closer to God. This is not because of my college life. When students first go to college, they have much freedom than they have ever had before and can easily lose sight of what's important. I have found some of my most selfish times at college. It is a time for me, me, me, what's best for me, for my career. I believe an education is important but it is also important to give back what you have been given. Many people dream about going to college. My advice would be to go to a cheap college for two years, take a variety of classes and then choose the field you want to go into that will fulfill your purpose in life. It is also important to get to a campus church or Christian group. I have grown a lot at Stephens College and will leave knowing I have sisters for life. We have a small digital filmmaking program with about fifteen girls. As a group we have laughed, cried, and wanted to tear each other's heads off but we learned about putting judgement away and learning to love.