Stony Brook University Top Questions

Describe how Stony Brook University looks to someone who's never seen it.


Stonybrook University is a mixture of different cultures all united for one purpose: Education.


Stony Brook is about school pride.


My current school is very large, but it has a very good teacher program for prospective teachers as well as a great biology program which is what I plan to teach one day.


Concerned with outward appearances.


Stony Brook is quite different from what I have experienced in grade school. The campus is huge and it seems as if you never run into the same individual twice. With the lecture halls being so huge its hard to make any new friends. But my friends from high school have helped me out during classes, and made sure that I reach my deadlines for homework. There are various ethnicities at Stony Brook so its a great way to learn about other cultures and helps individuals keep an open mind about the world around them.


Stony Brook has an amazing school of journalism coupled with a welcoming environment for new students.


this is a great school for health professions


My school is a fairly large campus with a great reputation, great teachers, it has many sports and clubs available, is very affordable and is able to open many doors for all it's students.


Stony Brook is very much focused on academics and research, and emphasized diversity.


great school with great diversity.