Yes. MEC 310: great engineering design of machinery class. In engineering, studnets are always studying. In engineering, not as much as in a liberal arts class. Yes. Studnets are very competative. My major is mechanical engineering.. great departement with great teachers. Dont really spend time with teachers outside of class. Speak with them when we have questions. The requirements are good..tough. Education in Stony Brook I think is geared towards both getting a job and learding for the sake of learning.
I have only had one professor know my name in all my years at Stony Brook and that was only because it was an intimate music class with 20 students as opposed to the usual 200 students in a normal lecture class. The same people usually participate in lecture classes because its hard for a professor to know who students are and the ones that participate are usually kiss asses who want the extra points for a higher grade since the school is very competitive.
kids study a lot.
upper div bio classes are tuff but great.
professors in bio are good, dept is great.
students are competitive tho! esp the pre meds.
good education quality at stony. cant complain, ive learned a lot the hard way and wudnt trade it for a pansy ass education elsewhere.
Some classes have like 200 people or more and some have like 30-50 people so professors can get to know your name. Participation depends on the class, there are alot of intellectual conversations that i've had with other student. depends on what your studying, students can be very competitive. if your into politics, the most unique class i've taken was a United Nations class where we had video conferences every week with ambassadors of the U.N. Probably the best class i've ever taken. the political science department doesn't give you many classes to choose like they do in the business major. it was hard to get into classes that i thought would be very interesting. there are alot of internship opportunities but not really alot of job fairs.
Some of them do.
My favorite class would have to be PSY 310. Least favorite- THR 104.
A lot.
THR 104.
The psychology department is regarded as one of the best programs in the country. The professors, for the most part, are well informed, adaptable, and very intelligent people.
They are hard to fulfill in 4 years.
Professors do not know your name. My favorite class is Biology my least favorite is math. Students study all the time. Class participation is not common. Yes, stonybrook students have intellectual conversations outside of class. Students are very competitive. I love the biology department. No i do not spend time with my professors outside of class. Stony brook is preparing me well for the work ill do after college.
Certain professors know my name. Professors in my major know my name since it usually has small class sizes, but in classes like math and science, it's hard for a teacher to get to know a student personally. My favorite class was Modern Art History with Professor Kuspit, a brilliant man and definately an asset to the Stony Brook Art History faculty. Yes, intellectual conversations take place outside the classroom. I wouldn't say students are so much competitive against each other as much as they simply want to reach their highest possibly abilities. The art history department seems to be growing and becoming more popular as a major among the students. I feel Stony Brook's academic requirements help us to become more well-rounded and take classes in all types of academic fields that help us find out what we're really interested in. While education itself seems to be geared towards learning for its own sake, there are many workshops and organizations on campus that help guide a student towards careers that will be best suited for them.
Depends on the class size. I love film/women study classes, science classes are often dry. How much studying depends on the student and so does if the student participates. There are a lot of competitive students at stony brook. My major is insanely hard at this school, and sometimes i feel like stony brook just makes it hard because they want to be a top notch schoo. So the average on tests is a 35 and they just curve it. But whats point of teaching and testing when students dont even know half the information.
in my major professors know my name other wise they do not. in general ed classes i feel as if i am just a number
Not many professors know your name. I think my favorite class so far has been CLS215 with Professor Burrows. She is a fantastic teacher.
I major in Sociology and I wish they had more clubs like the Psychology major has.
I think some of the academic requirements are unnecessary. Like DEC D.