Stony Brook University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Stony Brook University? Why?


I was an online distance program student and wish that I could have had a more integrated experience. I see all the people that identify with their college sports teams and I didn't have that urge because I felt so distant. I would have liked if the school kept their distance students just as connected as their students on campus. I could have also benefited from a shadow or mentor upon our visit to the campus, this may have brought us to feeling closer to the college life there.


It's big.


Transfering into Stony Brook University in Spring 2013. Currently a student at Suffolk County Commuinty College; the worst is the idiotic drivers on campus. Even the best will become the worst; it only takes minutes. The most clear of heads will become the most chaotic of them all. It’s praised that safety is first, but in the mouths of the self-concerned students, they rage, “me, me, me!”


They raise tuition to compensate for state budget cuts and at the same time take more and more amentities from the students.


Large size


The student is very much separated. The university does not necessarily have good p.r. with the students which leads to an indication of uncare.


The lack of help and academic support from professor and TAs.


The worst thing about the school is when it rains these giant puddles form on the walkways, it is like crossing a river when you walk through them.


The buildings are ugly.


The worst thing about the school is probably the teaching assistants. I have found that the ones I currently have do not help me to learn the material and have a hard time explaining things when questions are asked. I find myself going to the help center instead of asking the TA in my recitations for help.