Stony Brook University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Stony Brook University?


Stony Brook University has a little bit of everything for different kinds of people. It's a school that really welcomes everyone to its doors.


Someone who is looking for an exceptional experience in the fine arts.


If you cannot thrive in big classes, do not attend.


Transfering into Stony Brook University in Spring 2013. Currently a student at Suffolk County Commuinty College; those who seek no improvement of of their academic success, or wish to start anew; this college is not for you; then again neither is any opportunity of greater education. Despite the peering reputation, Suffolk County Community College has an honorable hold on achievement. In faith I trusted them to feed the evergrowing mind of the Poet Scholar; in which allows a further progression of my entity.


If you're looking for a school where you think you can slide by with average effort. This school demands and gets the most from each of its students.


A person that is not friendly and is not accommodating to other religions, nationalities, ethnicities, and political views.


A person that doesn't like big communities or big classes. Someone who needs more one on one attention and help.


Stony Brook is a school for students who are serious about their studies. It is an academically focused school.While there are activities on campus, most students go home on the weekends or are commuter students. It is not a university for students who are looking mainly for an active social life both during the week and on weekends, and whose focus isn't mainly their studies.


Academically focused


Slackers, party people, those who like to put work off at the last minute.