Stony Brook University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


Stony Brook University is a really large campus and the diversity here is great. We have different races of different cultures. It is interesting when you meet someone whose background is not related to yours at all.


Facuty and staff members. They are very helpful and care about students and encourage students to successed all the time.


The best thing about my college is that the student body makes up a small community. We dorm and go to class in a comfortable, friendly environment we call our own. Faculty and staff make themselves accessible to provide help and advice and my classmates are people I find myself calling "friends" as the semester goes on. This campus has become my second home over the past three to four years and I value all that I learned and people I have met throughout that time. College is one of the best stages of my life.


My school has great research opportunities, with alot of focus being on working on projects with professors. As a freshmen I worked in a psychology lab and as a sophomore I started working for my biopsychology professor on her memory experiment. Everyone has the ability to join a lab if they choose. The class are a little large, but they are taught by experts in the field and alot of outside help is available. Bigger classes have resitations to get a small tutor student ratio.