Smart, focused and determined to learn.
The students are from all walks of life, young, old, married and single. The students seem to be hard working and hold full time jobs while going to school.
Because my classes are all done on line, I don't get to see the students. I do know however that students in my class comes from all over the World and are all ages.
Everyone at Strayer University is truly 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} dedicated to helping you achieve your academic goals and dreams of becoming a professional in your chosen field. Strayer University is helping me make my dreams come true--they can also help you! Do not let fear stand in your way! Enroll today!
Since I attend class online, I only get to know the students from what they write about themselves. Most of the students I have had classes with (Information Systems) have been adult or military students. Most students are already in secure careers, and seem to be going to college to advance their careers. I don't see where there are any social issues involving students at the online campus, but like I said, I only know what the other students write.
Students vary in age and in background which makes Strayer a great place to attend. Experience also varies which allows for fabulous discussions and a great learning environment. With exposure from students from different industries, different ages, and different backgrounds, education doesn't simply stop with the books. It is exposure to others that lends toward greater learning and a well-rounded program.
Students vary in age and in background which makes Strayer a great place to attend. Experience also varies which allows for fabulous discussions and a great learning environment. With exposure from students from different industries, different ages, and different backgrounds, education doesn't simply stop with the books. It is exposure to others that lends toward greater learning and a well-rounded program.
I'm an online student.. I really don't see students face to face.
The students get alone really well because they are focused on passing their classes, so we get alone great and help each other with passing classes.
Although my classes were mainly taken online, I have attended a few on campus. In being an older student, if I were to describe the classmates that I encountered, i would have to say many of them were very inmature.
My classmates are a mixtures of cultures, we all learn and help each other.
My classmates are smart, fun, and amazing.