I would encourage myself in everyway possible. I would tell myself to not put off for tomorrow what I can do now. I would tell myself that all things a possible to those who believe and put forth the effort.
Knowing what I know now about college life in making the transition, the advice I would give myself is to first become a goal oreiented individual and feel good about who I am. I have learned to visualize the end in mind. By having that type of attitude, helps me to take full responsiblity in everything that you do in life; and of course it inturns effects my education as well. I noticed the more goal oriented I become the more that I push myself to not only do just enough but to go the extra mile. and that in turn, helps me to make the grade and consitently stay on the honor rol.
The advice I would give to myself is to never give up. Be confident in yourself and that anything you put your mind to you can do it and any goals you have in life you can achieve them. No matter how hard theing seems there is a silver lining in every cloud you just have to look for it. Things may not be easy at first but don't give up. Ask question if you don't understand and keep asking until you do. If you are having problems get help early don't just give up. I guess what I am saying is it will be harder than high school but it is achievable if you have the determination.
The main piece of advice that I would give myself is to take your acedemic future seriously. Your education is one of the most important things in your life and everything that happens in the future will revolve around this.
Do not postpone your future! Make everyday count as you continue to take the steps in your educational journey and achieve your dreams and goals. Build friendships and bonds along they way--for the road is long and none of us can do it by ourselves. Love your family and most of all yourself. Find the educational path that is right for you--and you will truly be happy. Do not be afraid! Dream big and keep hope alive--you can do it! I believe in you--now believe more than you have ever believed in yourself and do it!
I would tell myself to make better decisions and check out more schools. There are lots of options, don't settle, choose wisely.
If I could go back I would tell myself to pull it together, and stop being such a proscrastinator. School is amazing and a great feeling of accomplishment. I would tell myself that it isnt a waste of time and that it is very benefical if I want to get a great job and succeed in the profession of my choosing. School is a tool best used for future reference, and what you may think at the time is a huge waste of time and money is a great pay off in the end. You figure it will take you only 4 years to complete school, and the rest of your life to reap the benefits
Attending college has enabled me to continue my career progression and it has also taught me about the cultural, ethnic, and religious differences that Americans share. College has helped me to better my life in many ways such as changing my tolerance toward different ethnic groups and religious affiliations. College has helped me to increase my global professional contacts which have allowed me to become more proficient in my task of protecting American lives abroad. College has helped me understand the global economics of less developed nations and opened my eyes to their struggle to develop. College has helped me to understand why so many non-government agencies such as Doctors without Borders strive so hard to help individuals in poverty and war stricken areas. Most importantly, college has helped me to expand my knowledge and has made me a more cultured and intelligent individual.
College means different things to different people. I want to learn more of what the world has to offer me and what keeps me interested to explore more options to learn everyday. Going to college has expanded my knoweldge to dabble in different fields and really see what options would be good for me. I am testing my talents and trying to grow into a great person. Once a person goes to school you may not enjoy every class you may attend but your bound to learn something. Even if you just learn how to be an adult and how to be an independant person, we all learn something and can take something away from this experience. I want to continue to learn my talents and put them to use in the everyday world. I want to feel that I can make a differance. And in the end, my education experience is "Priceless".