Suffolk County Community College Top Questions

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Suffolk Community College is a unique school because it has many select and diverse programs that allow you to transfer to a 4-year college upon complete of a 2-year degree. The professors and staff are dedicated to help students and parents achieve optimal success.


What is unique about SCCC is that it is a two year school and that it is very close to my home. Every school I looked at before going to Suffolk was far away and would require me to leave my home and live there. I originally decidided on a school far away from my home but after a couple of semesters there I realized it wasn't for me. I then went to SCCC since I could get into it on such short notice and it really helped me get my education back on track.


Small classrooms help students get to know each other and get to know their professors.


The student body is very diverse. Not only ethnically, but also in their ages, professional backgrounds, personal interests, points of view, etc.


By attending a community college, I have the opportunity to learn without the huge price tag that comes along with a college education.