Suffolk County Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Suffolk County Community College know before they start?


If I could go back, then I would still apply to the community college I'm in now. The only advice I would give myself is to take more classes and start thinking about where I'm going to transfer ahead of time.


After graduating high school I went to a 4 year college. I did not want to take out loans so I was working three jobs while attending school full time. But I was wearing myself out so I decided to join the Navy. I remember that during that one year of college before the Navy I was afraid of a lot of things. What if it's too difficult? What if I don't make any friends? etc. After serving in the military and reading some good books when I went back to school last year I was a different person. If I could talk to myself as a HS senior this is what I would say: 1DON'T be afraid to fail. I'm not saying be lazy and fail and it's okay. I'm saying that if you work hard and still is not good enough, just keep trying. Don't panic and don't give up. 2DON'T be afraid to talk to other people. Most people wish they had more friends but THEY are afraid to talk to others also. 3Write down your goals and get good at managing your time. 4Have lots of Fun.


I would tell myself that education is one of the most important investments. College is not a fashion show, a popularity contest, a time to catch up with friends about the latest gossip as high school often is, it's a time to focus on yourself and make the most of every opportunity. I would tell myself that there is no need to feel self conscience or have self doubt. Everyone is there for the same reason; to further their education and insure a successfull future. Building relationships with others who have the same goals can be the source of much needed support. Even when the work load seems a bit unbearable, completing it brings unmatched satisfaction. Be strong, you'll get through it.


If i had the opportunity to go back and discuss college life with myself, I would begin by reassuring myself that it is a wonderful place. The transition could have been made much more seamlessly had I not anticipated a negative experience. I would tell myself that there's no need to worry, Suffolk Community College is not "thirteenth grade" and not a place solely for those who were unable to be accepted to any "real" colleges. You will be surrounded by people of superior intelligence, something that will help you thrive greatly and be a pleasent challenge. The school offers many extracurricular activities and clubs that will hold your interest throughout the entire semster. There is no need to be discouraged, beginning college is not a complicated process and continuing it is even less so. As long as you're willing to do your work and continue to be hungry for knowledge, college will offer you the world and more.


Having the opportunity to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to take high school more seriously. I would tell my self " Come on, what is the difference of 20 minutes more sleep, just get up and go to class!" I would tell myself to try harder, that high school really does matter and that college is a lot more difficult and more serious than high school. I would tell myself that professors don't stay on you about slacking in college and that if you decide to just not go to class, the teacher doesn't mind failing you. I would remind myself that education is important to be successful and tell myself to appreciate the opportunity to receive an education at all. The transition to college is hard, and its even harder when you don't prepare yourself enough in high school. I learned that the hard way. In high school, I didn't care much about my grades, but now as I am maturing, college is helping me to be more responsible, helping me respect my education and to really care about my grades and my future!


My advice would be to not give up. Just keep going! It's taken me way too long to actually try and complete my associates degree. It is absolutely worth it!


My advice would be that eventually I would have to drive and that commuting to school isn't that bad. I shouldn't have erased Suffolk from my mind because then I wouldn't of had to transfer after just one semester. Going away to school isn't what you think and that even though I needed to make a decision as soon as possible. It was a mistake to make my decision without truly thinking about everything. When deciding on a school you got to keep everything in mind and I didn't. I guess I would definitely have to tell myself to think since I know myself better than anyone else. I can't let anyone else opinion get in the way and I got to be happy in the end.


Christina, all I want you to do is prioritize on the real things that will get you somewhere. Focusing on love and other things will not help but only hinder. There are a few things that are key and if you follow these rules 1) Stay organized, organization is crucial to suceeding. Organizing simplifies your life, and simplifies tasks. 2) Be prepared. Do everything early. Being prepared beats out the lazy people, and people who dont care. You are on top when early. 3) Listen in class. If you dont everything else preceding that (homework, following classes, tests) will severly be effected. Listen carefully. It is more important then studying. You wont have to study as much if you listen. 4) Put your heart into it. This is your life, your career. You put you blood, sweat and tears in it. 5) NETWORK AND GET EXPERIENCES FROM OUTSIDE OF COLLEGE. It gives you more then you think...... Yourself a year later. (p.s. clean out your stinky gym locker...ew)


Looking into my own juvenile eyes like a window painting a long, winding road with head-strong trees shadowing its path, an entire years worth of frustration begins to beat within my mental walls. The idea of completely voiding the idea of applying for any scholarships now bewilders me but then my young genius of a mind overlooked the potential free money due to the extracurricular work. Then comes the unfortunate lack of enthusiasm I held within my freshman and sophomore year, which would display in my high school records even after my change of mind set as my high school career reached its upper class levels. As I grasped my shoulder tightly to hold my own attention, I begin to pour out all these obstacles of emotion I have now faced and plead for on open ear to alter my future. Getting more involved in high school clubs or maybe even sports, treating the educational system appropriately to gain everything I possible could, or maybe just thinking larger then my own shallow thoughts. How life now would be so much easier on a vast level and perhaps I could even be attending a prestigious school this very moment.


If i had the chance to prep myself as a high school student for college i would definately tell myself to create a budget for myself to help save for college. Being that it is very expensive. I definately under estimated how much everything cost when i was in high school. I would also urge myself to study a little harder and take a little bit more of an iniative in math. Because if i would have taken the time out than to understand math better than maybe i wouldnt be struggling with it now. Because it is definately a lot harder now. It is true what they say, high school is definately preparing you for your college years and life after that. With out that prep from devoted teachers i would be lost. I would urge myself not to take it for granted, because i did.