Suffolk University Top Questions

Describe the students at Suffolk University.


My classmates are a diverse group of student?s who make me proud to attend Suffolk University; I could describe them as anything from liberal, conservative, straight, gay, White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, US citizens, non-US citizens, rich, poor, experienced and innocent?in simply they are like me and are different than me and they help me grow as a human being.


My classmates are caring and giving individuals, we share when possible. and I have made friends from all over the world.


As a Senator for our Student Government Association, I think that my classmates are amazing people to work for and with. I am very involved on campus and the students that attend here are great people!


Freshmen either want to be there or use Suffolk as a transitional school- no one is on the fence about staying.


Suffolk is diverse in many ways. I have met students from so many countries I cannot even keep track. There is a stereotype that international students tend to stick together, but this cannot be applied to all of them. A large percentage of the studenty body is commuters. These students mingle with on-campus students during classes, in on-campus cafeterias, and during activity periods. Since most students are commuters, they are not really "out of the loop". When you think about it, your high school is a commuter school and you still meet people there. My favorite thing about the students at Suffolk is that they are mostly friendly, average people. I do not feel like we are overrun with snobby rich kids, yet I don't feel overdressed when I'm wearing jeans.


Focused, friendly, and open minded.


Most of my classmates like getting drunk and partying, from what I see.


They are very liberal and very opinionated.


Most were ridiculous, self centered, not open minded, not helpful, not willing to see past their little circle of rich bostonians


Diverse, opinionated yet cooperative and respectful for the most part during class; very cliquey outside of class but respectful towards eachother. Those who worked hard did well academically; those who partied hard struggled academically .