Stay in school. No one is going to make you feel or think you are important if you don't make yourself feel that way. The work is going to be worth the pain and your self of accomplishment is going to be far greater than anything you imagined. You've done great things but you are capable of even greater things and you will live your life with no sense of regret lingering in your heart. Save yourself some heart ache and go against the grain right now and just stay in school and find those friends who will support you in your dreams and desires. When it all comes down to it, you are the only person that you can depend on.
If I could go back, I would probably take time management a lot more seriously. Living at school gives one the opportunity to create your schedule the way you want so you can make time for getting involved and even finding a part-time job. If I had worked on my time management faster and realized how it important it was, I would not depend on my parents to constantly put money in my account.
The one piece of advice I would tell my high school senior self would be to just relax. College is the one time in your life where you are able to have the freedom to join a club or take a class on an interesting subject for fun. Making your own decisions is a very liberating experience, especially when you are living in a dorm away from your parents. But not every decision has to be calculated out to advance your academic future. I wish I took more time to just sit back and be more attentive to the present instead of palling out for the future. I feel as if I missed out on joining clubs I was interested in and creating friendships because I was took obsessed and overwhelmed with maintaining my GPA and studying in the library.
If I could go back in time and give myself advice in high school it would be to work harder and not be so lazy and expect things to just come to you. In high school the curriculum wasn't the least bit challenging so I used to just get by, by doing the minimum amount of work possible. I would get by with B's, but I knew I could really get straight A's if I wanted to. Being lazy and taking the easy way out didn't help me at all because I ended up taking a year off of school while all of my friends were out enjoying their college life. I would tell myself to always accept challenges, not to be lazy, and really push myself to do my best one hundred percent of the time because when you take the easy way out, you're only cheating yourself.
Originally I chose to go away and live at college but was unable to do so because of a medical condition. Going to Suffolk was not my first choice and I have had a really hard time accepting the fact that I was unable to live away at school. But Suffolk has afforded me an alternative and has given me a good education thus far. Sometimes plan B isn't such a bad option. I commute to Suffolk and live at home and I have adjusted my plans accordingly.
If I could go back in time and give myself advice, I would tell myself to do more research when picking a school. I applied to a lot of schools last minute, and didn't really do any research on them before deciding. It is important to know all of the facts of the school you are going to spend time away from home at. I would have liked to know that there isn't really a campus at my current school, and making friends would be more difficult than I expected. I also would tell myself as a high school senior to be prepared to be on my own. There isn't someone to cook your meals, or someone to run to the store for you, or someone to wash your clothes. College is a lot about becoming independent and I know that now. I also would have liked to know NOT to buy my books ahead of time. Who would have thought that not being a procrastinator would actually be a negative thing? I bought books ahead of time and barely used half of them; making copies in the library is cheaper to get the information you need.
College has taught me so many things that I know will be useful for the rest of my life. I have learned how to be responsible with money, because living away from home means mom and dad aren't there to help you every step of the way. I have learned how to study and learn in the way that is most beneficial to me and will allow me to excel in my studies. But I think the most important thing I have learned from college is how to be a family. I have gained so many friendships and formed so many bonds with students at this school, that I don't think I would ever want to get rid of. When you live with people everyday of your life you tend to grow close to them, and form those bonds and friendships that will never break, and that is the most valuable thing I have gained from m experience at my university.
Suffolk University doesn't have a lot to offer its students in my opinion. I will be transferring to the University of New Hampshire for a more college experience.
Through-out my college experiance I know will learn many valuable lessons that will benifit me in the future. What I have gotten out of my college experiance so far is that I've learned how to be more independanct from my parents since I now live in my dorm. I have learned how to balance my schedule with work so that I can have time to finish my assignment and get good grades. Also, I feel more comfortable about talking with my proffesors about what I need certaing assignment so that I am able to do well in there class. It has been very valuable for me to attend Suffolk University overall because I know that they are giving me the education and skills I need to be someone important in the future. It is also valuable to me to attend because I know that I am not wasting my time going to classes because I can tell the teachers truly care about my questions and do want to help me with any problem I may have. In conclusion, my college experiance with Suffolk University so far has really helped me transition from high-school to my freshman year.
My major is International Business and Finance. Suffolk University offered me to start my college career in Madrid, Spain, and I full-heartedly embraced the offer. Coming to Madrid to study for my first two years has opened my eyes not only to other cultures and other ways of living but also to the vastness of the business world. I have gotten to visit many other countries, and have met the most amazing people from all around the world. It has been valuable to attend because I am gaining real world experience to the work I intend on doing in the future. It has helped me learn so much not only about others but also about myself. I transfer back to the U.S. fall of 2011, and I know I will be bringing along with me experiences that hopefully will impact the lives of others I come across.