Sullivan County Community College Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Sullivan County Community College?


The most frustrating thing about this college, for me, is the difficulty of access I have to my work. On campus, there is only one small room which I do not have direct access to and no longer accomodates all of the students that need to use it. It is the only room which runs the software I need and a lot of the software is very expensive to buy on my own when taking into account all of the other expenses I'm paying to take these classes.


The most frustrating thing is the lack of electives available. At my college we have very few professors which makes classes much more personal; however, the lack in adjunct teachers has left the school with few extra classes. Unfortunatly, students will always get stuck taking classes they never wanted to take.


The most frustrating thing for me about school is not being able to take all of the classes I would like to each semester. I usually have between 16 and 18 credits per semester but I'd love to take more classes!