SUNY at Fredonia Top Questions

Describe the students at SUNY at Fredonia.


Cannot give an opinion on that at the moment since I am still not enrolled at the college.


As a biology major and leadership studies minor, I took a variety of classes. For the most part, students were motivated and willing to help each other. They were competetive, but often studied in groups and explained things to each other. Most classes were diverse in race, gender, ethnicity, and age. Many classes include students from a variety of disciplines which makes class discussions very interesting.


We are FRED Heads forever more!


My classmates in the music department were very supportive. I can honestly say that competition was not valued by students at Fredonia. This created a highly supportive and open place to be creative and to grow as musicians with the constructive criticism and support of others.


there are different ranges of diversity in the classroom in most, which ever your subject of choice, most have different opinions on some of the work also there arent really ig cliques like we had in high school. my classmates all want to get to know each other by the end of the first week of school. most will ask what other class you have and they will give suggestions of teachers or basically give you a heads up on rather or not the class is easy or one that you really have to study for or be there.


I always tend to get to know the people that are in alot of the same classes with me or those that sit around me. We usually compare homeworks, make-up lost notes, and stuff. Usually classmates are pretty friendly and easy to get along with.


My classmates are helpful, friendly, and outgoing.


My classmates are a mixed bag. Many are not certain about their career path, others are, but are not certain how to get there. The few that are focused float above the rest. We do our work, we pay attention, we ask questions, we achieve.


Classmates vary from class to class. In General Education classes they are mostly lazy, rude, and generally disinterested with the subject matter. When you get into the major/core classes the students tend to be more well behaved and more attentive which really helps the learning process especially when you have to work with them on a project.


Classmates at Fredonia are encouraging to other students in academics and social life, which helps students in making the transition from a high school environment to the heightened standards of college.