SUNY at Fredonia Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about SUNY at Fredonia!


Compared to other schools that I applied to this school was the most GREEN. They are very environmental savy and make sure that everyone is recycling.


I really like the fact that SUNY Fredonia is not a huge campus and is located in a small town with easy accessability to many things such as stores, restaurants, etc.


I do not know.


very liberal. Many many gay/homosexual people not afraid to express themselves.


It had a molecular genetics major.


The diverse population. Whatever type of person you are, religion you follow, sexual orientation you identify can find someone you relate to.


Fredonia is uniquely limited and unsupportive of its students. There is next to no emphasis on practical application of skills, just the absorption of information, no matter how irrelevant. The music school especially is a trojan horse of misery.


This school immediately felt like home to me. It is just hte right size, with the right amount of people, a great atmosphere, and it beautiful.