SUNY at Fredonia Top Questions

What kind of person should attend SUNY at Fredonia?


A liberal open minded, creative, dedicated person


Someone who likes to drink.


Th type of person that should attend this school is one that is independent, driven, hard-working, sociable, and can tolerate snow!


A person who WANTS to be here and wants to better them selve.


Fredonia is a friendly school to people of all types and is incredibly aesthetically pleasing, especially in the fall season. The community is pleasant as is the on-campus activity that goes on throughout the year. Although there isn't a football team, hockey games are very addicting in the amount of spirit shown at every game. This school is very art and music centered and there is rarely a weekend without a performance or event for anyone.


Someone who is very open minded and is willing to be put in a community full of people that are looking out for each other and always ready to lend a helping hand.


ANYONE! This school has a huge focuse on theater/music, education, and business. Anyone and everyone will find a place to fit in and will find a place in their hearts to call Fredonia home.


Liberal, open- minded, musically or artistically inclined.


Both students who have decided their major and those who haven't would find SUNY Fredonia a great college choice, if they are willing to keep up with the coursework. Besides academics though, a person who is easy going, non-aggressive and accepting of all people would fit best on this campus. Whether its someone looking for an intensive degree in music, psychology, education and more, or just looking to get some CCC credit before transfering to another school, this campus would accept any person as long as they are accepting of the school itself.


Someone who is not afraid to try new things, and is open to all experiences. It is best for people who are artistic, musical, ect. The focus is on thinking and not so much researching.