Lots of LGBT and hipsters. Sports players are only friends with each other and keep to themselves.
Classmates here are creative, friendly and interesting.
My classmates are the most interesting and unique people i have ever met, as well as extrememly expressive, open, and dedicated.
The students at Purchase College are extremely diverse, and completely accepting of everyone. There are students of all different races, genders, sexual orientations, political agendas, and simply different interests. That being said, it would be difficult to find a school whose students are such a tight knit community.
Believe it or not, Purchase academics are intense especially, in the conservatories. Students are competitive with their arts and passions in a healthy manner. I think it helps them want to be their best.
The professors as I mentioned in the previous question are awesome. Like any other school there are some unfortunates, but they are outweighed by the rest of the incredible ones. You will always know your professors names and they will usually learn yours because classes are small and you have many chances to speak to them one-on-one.
The worst class that I ever took was an Arab class and boy did I learn my lesson. It was insanely difficult and I dreaded going in the early hours to be confused and or bored. The best class I took was also the most challenging and that would have to be Queer Cinema. It was so interesting, fun, and the two professors challenged us constantly.
The students study when they have to in order to do well especially, during midterms and finals because the library is open 24/5, which means don't be surprised when you see people camped out there as if it was Occupy Wall St.
Students will have intellectual conversations depending on the person. A lot of times it will be outside of a class during office hours with a professor, or in one of the clubs.
As a journalism major I am incredibly lucky to have a program run by people who really know the field. It's very hands on and my writing has improved tremendously.
Requirements differ depending on the major. The gen eds are pretty standard for any college and even though you may hate them they are there to give you a well rounded education. Sure, Purchase wants you to get a job when you graduate and I'm sure there is more emphasis in the conservatories when it comes to finding work, but there is a focus on learning for the sake of wanting to gain knowlege.
The best thing about Purchase College is most definitely the uniqueness and diversity of the students! They are all so talented, artsy, and different in their very own ways.
There are a number of different groups at Purchase which students can get involved with. One of the biggest is definitely the LGBT group on campus. However, there are also religious groups on campus as well. Everyone is accepted for who they are. I do not believe that anyone would truly feel out of place at Purchase which is why it is amazing. However, some people who are strongly religious or conservative may feel a bit uncomfortable.
Different types of students definitely interact at Purchase. Everyone gets to know people for people which is what is so amazing about the students at Purchase. I have gotten to know so many different kinds of people at Purchase whom I would never have associated with prior to coming to this school.
The majority of the students are from New York (primarily the city and Long Island), however we also have a number of out of state and international students. The diversity of Purchase is truly something special! Finances and money are definitely not discussed much at Purchase, it is just not all that important to us as it would be with students from other colleges. We do not really talk about each others financial backgrounds or how much we'll earn one day.
My classmates are a diverse, competitive and click-y group of dancers being that I am a dance major. I have always been the quirky weird one since childhood, but the energy between my classmates is at times tense yet always energized. Whether it is negatively or positively energized depends.
I have met students from all walks of life in my first semester; they come from the tri-state area, Hawaii, California, even as far as Poland and the age range from undergrad to graduate students means that they offer diverse perspectives on life.
My classmates are all very different and intriging characters; we have grown to feel like a family over the year.
They are mostly hippes and artisit while the jocks are in the minority.