SUNY at Purchase College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at SUNY at Purchase College?


"Arts School"


Stereotypes about our school are mainly about our rediculous diversity and liberalism, making our school the perfect habitat for "artist" types.


I think Purchase College is really known for being an open-minded school with a lot of diverse students - and I mean diverse in all ways. There are students here from different countries, nationalities, religious ideologies, talents, lifestyles, music tastes, athletes, artists...and the list goes on.


Artsy, diverse


We are all big animal loving hippies who fight for every single cause.


1. Purchase students are crazy. 2. All students who attend Purchase are artists. 3. Purchase is just a big art school with no athletics. 4. Purchase is far upstate.


We all avoid eye contact. As a community, we instinctively avoid many things during the course of the day. Somtimes we are aware of it, but most of the time we do not know how automatic our daily behaviors have become. Through activities and classes here, an uncanny appetite for irony can be developed. We like to see things that we have already seen before. Our tendencies towards the familiar can be in absolute combat with the physical exploration of an urban situation. Artists and other members of life at Purchase attempt to express this discordance in the best ways they know how.