SUNY at Purchase College Top Questions

What should every freshman at SUNY at Purchase College know before they start?


Hey man, wassup? Haha, yeah I know; I remember! Listen, you're awesome. You've done so well and you are going to do very well after high school too. Just keep in mind your favorite quote: The greatest risk is not taking one. That will help you with so many of your endeavors and it will also help you with many of the difficult situations you will face. Fear is natural, but dont give in to it and never be afraid to try something new! Keep your mind open for compassion, learning, sympathy, and excellence. And before anything else, "to thine own self be true". See ya soon ;-)


If I could go back in time the one peice of advice I would give myself is to never let anyone tell myself that I can't do anything, or to let other people make me feel inferior. The greatest lesson I've learned is I decide who I am, and I would tell myself I'm capable of this, that ultimately I decide who I am and what and where I go. That my own hard work, passion, and determination will accomplish my goals; and that no one can give or take that away from me.


The best advice I can give myself is thats its a crazy world out their. Your gonna hit a bunch of rocky roads but if you stay commited and belive that anything is possible you will achieve anything.


I would grab my shoulders, shake myself, and scream, "Snap out of your nihilistic passivity!" I would convince myself to work harder in highschool, so that come graduation I would have more choices of colleges to attend. I realize now that a second-hand highschool education leads to a sloppy college work ethic. I would advise myself to compare my highschool work to that of published or well-known writers and thinkers, so that I would be forced to continually challenge and improve myself. When I compared myself only to others in my highschool, and because I was on the honor roll without trying too hard, I concluded that my highschool and everything that came with it was beneath me, and I needn't try. What I know now is that my former attitude toward highschool led me to ignore possibilities to grow and expand as a student, intellectual, and artist. I know that had I changed my attitude and worked with my teachers and the material before me, I would have had a seamless transition into college and would have been miles ahead of where I am today.


Don't jump into anything! You may think that private schools are better...they're only more expensive. It's okay if you don't know what you want to do yet, any experiences you may have as a result of your confusion can only help you to better understand who you want to be. Don't follow the crowd: stay true to yourself and don't worry about what other people are doing. Wear sunscreen.


Do Not be affraid to put yourself out there.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would advise myself to take more of the college Now courses my high school offered that way I would be even more ahead of the game than I am now. I would also advise myself to continue my volunteering at the local hospital that way I would leave a lasting connection for medical school in the future and a place to do my senior thesis. I would advise myself to participate in some extra-curricular activities other than the scholarly ones I did, that way I would have a broader sense in leadership, team work and friendship building.


College is your chance to mess around, and it's okay if you make some missteps. So study what you WANT to.


If I had the opportunity to go back in time, I would probably give myself the advice to not be afraid and to barge ahead into life, to really engage with the people and community around you and not be held back by any inhibitions or preconceptions that I might carry over from my life thus far. I'd hope to let myself know that whatever stresses or anxiety I experience is completely normal, that many of us arrive at school still unsure and insecure of ourselves, and that often times, people will still leave school that way. I'd want to say that this is normal, but that I shouldn't be intimidated by the reality of this situation and that I need to go ahead and forge my own path, where ever it might take me. I'd want to tell myself something like that, the things I feel you don't hear often enough growing up in a world like ours today.


A prospective student should tour the colleges in mind and really pay attention to the students and what they focus their attention on. Talk to them about how open-minded the student body is and what most students do in their spare time. The prospective student should get a good vibe as soon as they walk through the campus if it is one they will enjoy. Keep an eye on the bulletin boards to see what kind of events are planned by the community and if they are of interest to you.