SUNY at Purchase College Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing about Purchase is that the campus is not very large, and it is easy to get from place to place (making it a lot easier to run to class when you're late). Also, the people are very accepting of each other, no matter what race, gender or hair color.


The best thing about purchase is the diversity. I always think of it as the collection of people that didnt fit in high school. The people who were different and werent afraid to show it. You can come to purchase and really find out who you are. You will meet people from every walk of life and can become friends with the most interesting, genuine people.


I consider both the atmosphere and dance program the best things about SUNY Purchase. I can't say I have really experienced either yet because I am transferring there in the Fall of this year. However from the information I have gathered about the school and the dance program SUNY Purchase is a seemingly perfect fit for me. I went to school in the city last year and found myself feeling like I wasn't really going to school due to the craziness of New York City. Whereas Purchase has an actual campus, not to mention a friendly one!


The best thing about Purchase is hands down the artistic diversity. The school is literally ittered with talented visual artists, musicians, engineers, scientists, dancers, and performers, all of them being drawn to the extremely competitive and successful conservatory programs offered by the school. Overall, everyone, including the proffessors and staff of SUNY Purchase, all tend to be wonderful laid back people who bring certain zest to their passions.


Purchase is a place with something for everyone. I thought it would be really hard to find a group of friends who were into the same things I am, and that I was the only person on campus who wasn't big on the party scene--not true at all!! There's a TON of incredible talent here, and everyone's friendly. Most professors are awesome too. Great people are everywhere. If you're truly driven, and stay focused on what's most important to you, you'll find that you excell at almost anything you could imagine here.


My school has an excellent art program and will help me alot in the near future


The teachers do care about you and make sure they do everything possible for you to obtain the material necessary for your future.


The diversity and thriving arts programs as well as the organizations. Art is under-represented in today's culture, and Purchase really thrives on it. There is a large GLBT community and most people accept anybody who belongs to the school. The clubs allow you to associate with others who have similar interests.


The best part about being at Purchase would have to be our art programs and how open they are to all the students. It's great that we get to see amazing dance shows or art exibits without even leaving the campus! Plus there are great art/ dance classes offered for non-majors but with the same quality as the classes for majors.


The best thing would be the diversity and culture. Everyone, for the most part, is very open minded. People are very artsy.