SUNY College at Plattsburgh Top Questions

Describe how SUNY College at Plattsburgh looks to someone who's never seen it.


Many people may underestimate the credibility a SUNY (State university of New York) school may hold. In all honesty, Plattsburgh has detered me from believing that this school is "listed" under that category. Entering a brand new school filled with more than a thousand people is a bit scary. But the Student Association and the students attending this campus are mostly kind and comforting. A college is a college no matter what, there will always be those who party and drink, but it is up to the you the student yourself to understand the differences and choose your own path.


Friendly, co-ed, diverse campus in middle of the community where community and campus usually work to get along together--and--professors are outgoing and wiling to take the time to talk on and off campus.


My school is small, but provides an environment different than the area it is located; My school is diverse, fun, educational, supportive, inspiring, well-rounded, unique, accepting, offers many opportunities to become involved, has many options for volunteerism, has provided me with people who know their fields and also opportunities to study abroad, while teaching me to appreciate places different than where I am from (Long Island).


Plattsburgh State is an extremely open environment where I feel safe and comfortable to meet my social, academic and personal goals.


A friendly evnvironment to learn for anyone.


everyone is bored and angry, the locals are angrier and never leave the area. The fraternities are smoldering embers of derelicts who only drink and do other things because of the cool factor, and the people involved in school activites are too afraid to go off campus for fear of seeing something new and interesting.


My school is fun to skateboard at.


a pretty chill school where you can learn about yourself and what you wanta do .


FUN and lots of new friends