SUNY College at Potsdam Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about SUNY College at Potsdam?


The most frustrating thing about the school is the weather. Some days it is warm and the next day it is freezing. The weather can go from raining to snowing in the same day. Also it rains a lot in the spring and the sidewalks get huge puddles.


The most frustrating thing about school is juggling between my social life (drawing in bars and restaurants) and a ton of schoolwork (research papers, classwork, visiting tutors on a regular basis).


The weather is frustrating. It gets really cold in the winter months and the wind is the worst. The snow can accumulate fast and driving conditions get bad, but the school has a text message system to alert if school is canceled, so that is good!


Campus is not nearly as pretty as it could be, it's not bad, but it could be so much better. Meal plans aren't all that flexible. It gets cold; really, really, really cold.


The most frustrating thing is the town that it's located in, because a lot of the businesses close at 6 and there's not too much to do if you don't want to drink or party.