SUNY College of Technology at Alfred Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about SUNY College of Technology at Alfred!


My school offers a more well rounded degree program with teachers from around the country and some from other countries.


SUNY Alfred State is a rather unique school because it is a rather small school on top of a hill in the middle of the woods, the classes are rather small average with only 20 or so students per class room allow teachers to communicate with student on a person level also some of the technology professorsheld high positions such as working with the President of the United States and creating, maintaining communications with European countries and also Vice President of the US Olympic Badminton team.


What makes my school stand out from the rest is the fact that there are bonds build between students and faculty. There is not one professor, or factulty member the you can not talk to. There are also many programs such as toturing to help students, and we even have a department that specializes in help the studends that may have any learning disabilities. Overall my school creats a very well established learning evirment that fit any students needs, and that's what I believe make my schoolstand out from the rest.