If I was to go back in time, knowing what I know now about college, I would say to to be aware and grateful for what I have. Don't take what you have for granted because it can and will be gone in a blink of an eye. Cherish everything you have and appreieate what you have accomplished. Stay on track and don't lose focus on whatever you have to do. Also, I would say don't lose faith in yourself. You may think you are at the end when a boulder is in your path, but you have to push through. Don't give up when it gets tough. College is suppose to prepare for you the harsh world out there and in the future you have to know that indepedence is very important. Lastly, I would say Good Luck !
I would definitely have worked myself a little harder my senior year. Most of my classes my senior year were pretty much blow off classes and when the semester started here in college in September I really had to work hard to get back into the swing of things. I also would have told myself to work more hours over the summer so I would have had more money to bring with me. It is surprising how fast your money goes.
Don't always be so trusting. You may met people who you think will be your friends but in reality they really are not. That doesn't mean not take the oppurtunity to make a friend but be more cautious when you do. Also, never let your friends tell you that you work too hard or do too much, if you are happy that is all that matters. You can be stressed beyond belief and still be happy and as long as you are happy with yourself that is all that is important.
Dear High School Senior Ashley,
Take a moment to take your final year of High School in. I know it is your instinct to rush through it and finally get High School out of your way, but try to realize that this is your last piece of childhood you have. High School had a few ups and downs along the way, but understand that College will have the same amount . While making the transition remember that this isn’t High School part two, it is College, classes will get tougher and teachers will get stricter. However, as long as you follow the rules and listen to the directions given you will be just fine. College is not exactly what TV shows make it out to be. Do not place a TV show expectation of College into your head. Although being in College you will spend three times as much hours studying and doing homework remember that THIS IS COLLEGE!! Learn, advance yourself as a person, and don’t forget to have fun. Do not let College be a time in your life that you watch go by instead of experiencing it for what it is.
Your Future Self
I started my college experience in the summer of 2006 after high school. I had a scholarship then and did not fully grasp that school was taking care of finanically. Within those four semesters in the scholarship did things I regret and knocked me off my full paid college career. Slacked in studying for exams, procrastinated in doing homework, and just lazy. But today I am reaping what I sowed. I am working to pay for one course because that is all I can afford. I learned the hard and terrible way of going through my college experience in just this doing alone. I need help with a mind made up staying in line with my studies. Thank you.
So far, I gain so many in college. I gain knowledge in my major. I meet long lasting friends. I met people that can help me succeed in the future.
The number one thing that i got out of college was my friends. I know you were expecting me to say my academics but that would not be the truth. I had stuggled alot in my classes but when i left the class and went back to my dorm i knew my friends were there for me. They helped me study in turn helping me improve my grades. I would take my friends over any review class that they had because i could have one on one attention with them if i was having a problem. I wasnt expecting to go to college and make alot of friends; truly i was expecting myself to be very quiet and alone hiding away in my dorm freaking out about the next test or quiz i had to take. Yet when i met one of them i had to meet all of them. I want to give alot of the credit to them for my success in completing my biggest personal goals. This was the biggest thing that i got out of college, you cant always succeed in something if you dont have friends backing you up.
After years spent in an international high school in Nepal, I moved to the States for my further education.
I have seen much more diversity at my college in Los Angeles, all pursuing for the same goal, to gain a better understanding of the world. Not only the college life with people from all around the world opened my eyes and changed my perspectives in vewing things, but also it helped me to be more proactive about grabbing the chances to learn more and pursue the best education.
It has been valuable to attend college as it surely builds you up socially and personally in a way so that it prepares you to be ready for the real life after college. I really appreciate the atmosphere of learning together as it makes me feel like we are all growing up together to the point where we will be fully ready to face the world and be the leading members of the world.
I went to a community college because of my financial needs and because i didn't do as well as i wanted my senior year which lowered my GPA a little. Going to a community college for my first year helped me money wise and grade wise, i got my GPA up that first year at a community college and transfered to a four year college to move forward with what i wanted to do in life. Now that i'm at the four year college i feel more relaxed knowing i have some type of collge experience before i went big. Going to a community college for a year if not two I think is the smartest move a high school grad can do if they aren't sure of what they want to do and if they don't think they can afford a university tution.
I have gotten out of my college experience that life will not feed you information by a spoon. Now you are at the peak of your life where you have go after your dreams and goals in life. For most people mommy and daddy isnt here as much and we have to learn to grow up and take on the different challenges we have to take. Its importanat that I attended school because i have learned that i dont have to depend on my parents as much any more and its time to grow up. If i want to reach my goals in life i have start now by getting my education.