SUNY Cortland Top Questions

Describe how SUNY Cortland looks to someone who's never seen it.


Cortland is the most fun you will ever have at school.


Suny Cortland is a great school! I am attending this school to become a teacher. This school is well known for teaching. The population of this school is perfect for me. It is not too small where I know everyone, but it is not too big where I know noone. Whenever I walk around campus I can always find someone that I know, but there is always more people to meet. Alot of this school is based around sports, which I love because I am athletic. Cortland has alot of great activities as well.


A place to find yourself and your path in life.


People drink alot


Cortland is a middle sized school in a rural community that has allows students to make life long friends while getting to know everyone.


Fun, exciting, sometimes too small but a great school.


SUNY Cortland is not very big, smaller on the scale of most SUNY schools, but you get to know many of your classmates and the classes arent too large.


My school is very small but they have a lot of things, like one small community. Cortland is very friendly and a great school to go to. The only proble i have with it is that it gets really cold here and that upsets me becuase I am used to warm temperature. Besides that its really great. I made life-time friends here, i got a lot experience and I can't thank my professors enough for the work they have done for me. I really wouldn't be where I am if I haven't accepted Cortland. It great!


I miss Cotland everyday and wish that I could go back. It was the best time of my life! Such fun people and great teachers!


The school is just right for people who don't want a really large school with tens of thousands of people, but it is still large enough where you won't know everyone there.