SUNY Cortland Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about SUNY Cortland?






I would say that the thing i brag about most to my friends is the strong sense of community here at SUNY Cortland. There are many different events, clubs and community activities that we as college students can get involved in. There is really something here for everybody of all backgrounds and races.


Cortland is an incredibly fun school and fufills the true expectations of what a college experience should be. The academics are also very good and provide a challenge for students of all majors.


How good the food is! It's better than decent, which is the word most of my friends use to describe their school's food.


I brag mostly about the fact that I was accepted. My program at Cortland is fairly small and the number of applicants for the Spring 2010 semester was one of the largest Cortland has seen in a long time. Cortland is a wonderful school that many people have hopes of getting into. The fact that I was chosen makes me proud and more determined.


I brag about the people that i met. i have met some amazing people and have kept in touch with them over the summer, and will be lviing with them next year.


I love to brag about SUNY Cortland's sports and athletics. Since we are a big physical education school we have a ton of talent, so we are very good at many different sports. I also love bragging about all of the extracurricular activities and intramural sports. We have hundreds of different activities and sports available and are leading the pack in intramurals. We also have a great gym to work out in and we are an extremely physically active school. Recently, I love to brag the New York Jest football team uses our facilities for summer training camp.


Our dining and athletic facilities. We have many choices for on campus dining that leaves room to be healthy. Our athletic and workout facilities allow athletes and students to advance physically.


lots of sports and clubs to be involved in