I wish there were more opportunities for scholarships.
The most frustrating things about SUNY Cortland are the weather and the size of the general education classes.
Being an out-of-state student, the tuition is by far the worst thing about the school. I love the school, but my mom had a heart attack not long ago and medical bills have mounted, making it very difficult to pay the bill. Cortland offers very few scholarships and has far too many people applying for them. Loans are no help and you can not claim residency; they require tax returns, drivers license, etc. because they want all the money they can get, and their out-of-state students pay MUCH more than the in-state ones.
The most frustrating thing about SUNY Cortland is that it's 30-45 minutes from any major cities such as Binghamton and Syracuse. Coming from Long Island I am used to city life and busy streets. There is a great downtown life though with a few bars and places to eat, although it is small, its definately adaquite. Although there is no pressure what-so-ever to join a sorority or sports team, if you are not involved in any clubs or activities you definately get bored easily.
I think that the most frustrating thing about my school is the fact that it is hard for me to pay for. I feel that being in the middle class hurts me when it comes to paying for my education, because it is hard for me to afford the tuition and I do not recieve that much financial aid because of my parents income. With their income alone and the little financial aid that I recieve, it is hard for me to afford school tuition, especially now that my sister is entering college next year.
My experience at Cortland to date has been really positive. I was a vey motivated student in High school so I thought the academics at college would be easy, I learned quickly that I needed to think differently. I needed to learn how to manage my time in a very different way then I was used to. Initially, I was frustrated that I had to take a 1 credit core class, which is mandated because it addresses the first year questions and problems that I faced, it ultimately made my adjustment to college life a succcessful one.
The most frustrating thing about the school I attended, would be the amount of options to choose from. My school has so many interesting classes, and different career pathes to choose from that at times I am unsure what route I should take. It can be overwhelming at times but I figure it is better to have more options and opportunities than to be limited to on what you can do.
The weather is the most frustrating thing, and sometimes the lack of variety of food selections, and some dining spots not being open at times when I would like to go there.
The most frustrating thing is the advisement. The advisors are professors and they do not know alot of things about classes, dropping, adding, substitutions ect. They always take the time to find out the answers for you, but it is a hassle and takes a while. I wish they had designated advisors who know all of the answers.