SUNY Cortland Top Questions

Why did you decide to go to SUNY Cortland?


I remember kind of being out of the loop during high school. Even though I had a brother and sister who had gone through the application process and who were already in college, I never really thought about where I wanted to go. SUNY schools were obviously at the top of my list, for financial reasons. They were the cheapest schools, besides the community schools by my house. I knew that I had definitely wanted to go away to school just to get the experience and to meet a ton of new people, but I didn't want to go too far. I still wanted to be able to get on a bus and be home in about 5 hours (although the bus ride takes a lot longer because of all of the stops). One day senior year (I think), my friend told me she was visiting SUNY Cortland. This was one of my top choices for schools, because they had a really good education program, which was what I am going for (childhood education major - elementary school). I asked her if I could go with her, and she said yes. We went in the fall and as soon as we pulled up, I knew this was the place I wanted to spend the next four years of my life. The campus was absolutely beautiful and the trees were so pretty with their orange and red leaves. Also, to be honest the first building we saw reminded me a lot of my high school and that was comforting to me too. Another deciding factor, besides location, cost, and major, was that I knew a few people from high school who were going. My best friend (even though she later transferred home) also decided to go there and it was nice to have that comfort there in case I needed it. I am asbolutely thrilled about the decision I made, because Cortland has so far been the best three years of my life!