SUNY Maritime College Top Questions

Describe how SUNY Maritime College looks to someone who's never seen it.


From the firm regiment to the exhilaration of being out at sea, the Maritime Ccollege truely is an experience like none other.


I would say that with all the bad comments you might see about Maritime, that he look of the campus could be one of the few positives. This is how I would describe the campus to someone who has never seen it. It is basically a small peninsula and as you drive onto campus you see one of the largest Naval Reserve Centers in New York. There is a running track that goes all the way around the outside of the campus providing a very nice view. On one side of the campus you'll see the Long Island Sound with city island and The USMMA of kings point. You'll most likely see a bunch of ships or tugs. Then on the other side of campus is the Training Ship Empire State. You'll see across the east river is Queens and then in the distance you see the beautiful Manhattan skyline with the empire state building which will never get old, it is always very impressive. The rest of the campus contains the main building with our mess deck and school store. You have the quad area with our giant flag pole and the dorms on either side. Theres the activity hall/ waterfront building where you'll be a lot if your into sailing. Then you have the pentagon fort, Fort Schuyler. Our engineering building the S & E. Then you have our athletic building which features a weight room, cardio room, classroom, gymnasium/basketball courts, racquetball courts, athletic trainer, swimming pool, extra rooms, football field, and baseball field.


Students hate attending Maritime due to its regimntal nature but love being an alumni.


We are beeing educated under the regiment of cadets to be merchant marine officers.