If given the chance to meet with high school me, I would quickly reaquaint him with 7 year old me. Though I know this senior in high school is quite bright, the indecision of picking what skill to learn for the rest of his adult life is tremendous. For this reason I would show him how 7 year old Christian had a fascination with the universe and its abundance of secrets. We would learn that the seemingly rambunctious habit of destroying items by dismantling them was his method of discovering the world he occupied. We would also see how strange experiments that ruined remote controls and light bulbs were actually colossal steps in steeping oneself in the mysteries of our ever evolving world. This retrospection would remind him that our destination is the journey itself and that approaching life with a sense of wonder opens the mind to a universe of knowledge. The big lesson to my old self would be that there is no correct pathway to learn and that creativiy is key to build a foundation of wisdom. After all, if the cosmos have taught us anything, it is that change is our only constant.
Throughout High School I would’ve considered myself an excellent student. I received A’s and B’s in every class and had maintained a GPA of 3.5 or better. When I first came to college my expectations were that I had just completed four years of High School how much different could college be besides living on your own and having the self discipline to go to class. As it turns out, that was not the case. I did not study much during High School because everything pretty much came easily to me. If I could go back in time to High School I would study more because it is one of the most important skills to have. If I had studied more in High School it would be a lot easier for me to study in college because it would be a habit. Also, I would learn to be faster at typing and be able to type without looking down at the keyboard. This would make typing papers much faster and easier. If I had learned to do all these things in High School, the transition to college would be much easier.
well since i got to maritime it has been a great experience for me, because i have travel the whole world in a ship and study at the same time. i have meet new people in college and from different parts of the world as well that i would never forget. also i have became a better man and more responsible man in my work and things. it has given me lots of opportunity to become a better man in the upcoming future. maritime has taught loyalty, integrity and confidence in myself. it has been a great experience for me since im from Puerto Rico. it is an honor for me to study at such school without having money at the time. this is teh greatest opportunity of my life to become a man at such naval school. it very valuable for to be in this school when the economy is so bad at this time. it is an honor to wake up every day see the sun and say i study in maritime college marine engineering as a degree. this school is my life and my only way out to become a prospective man in the future! thank u!
If I could go back in time I would certainly have some things to tell myself. I would tell myself that you only live once and life is too sgort to miss out. If theres something you want to do just do it. Also i would tell myself to concentrate just a little bit more on my studies. Although I did good in high school and college, I could have done better. This has nothing to do about getting better grades, but about understanding what it is that I studied. I know so much more now than I did when in high school, but with this knowledge, comes a wish to know and understand more. I want to widen my intellect even more than it has and this would start back in high school.
Do not go to a military college!
To be the same, not to change