SUNY Polytechnic Institute Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about SUNY Polytechnic Institute!


Half of my teachers cannot teach.


Whats unique about our campus that it is a very friendly atomsphere and the staf are very supportive to all the students . When in need the staff will go out of their way to help you. I really feel at home here . Learning here at SUNYIT is an experience I will never forget.


At the time, It was one of the only transfer schools in the area. Only junior and senior level college students attended. It also was a school that was more prone top have a lot of adult learners.


My school is one of the few that offer free laundry services. There are loads of activities which give students of diverse backgrounds the chance to interact with others. SUNYIT offers a decent education at an affordable price so a person definately gets there money worth. Teachers also build a relationship with students which is important to consider when choosing a school.


At SunyIt there is a very small environment. Sunyit has 800 acres of land that includes woods and fields to playin. The Droms are Awsome and the RA"s are leanient. Sunyit lets you express yourself in yur own manor and allows you to become and show yourself. With only 1500 Students at Sunyit, everybody knows you wich creates a friendly Environment.


The location was unique. It was in a quiet area. It was the type of place I wanted to continue my education because I wouldn't be distracted by the glamour of the city. While there is a city near my campus, it is the quiet atmosphere that I like that allows to me to do my best at my work.


In most cases I believe the most unique thing about this school is its technology majors. Most of the school's technology is up to date and the administration behind the new technology is constantly looking to new things. The school labs range from PCs to linux, to a few macs if you would like to test out different systems. But the main system behind most computer information majors is Linux. SUNY Institute of Technology offers many different versions of Linux to students and also uses it as a basis behind all of their programming courses.


My school is unique because it is very safe and out of the main city.