College has really brought out the best in me. My teachers really want their students to succeed and my school has a long history of raising successful students. I wanted to be a part of tradition so I have put forth my best effort to meet this end. I have learned a great deal at my university and every lecture or lab teaches me new things and skills that are going to be crucial for me when I leave school and enter into the workplace. As a student who lives off-campus, I didn't know how well I could meld with the campus community when I first arrived. The instructors and students really make you feel like you are an important part of the campus community. It is this community that really made me want to strive to do my best. I know that when I leave this school, I will be ready for new challenges and experiences in the workplace and I will have lifelong friends that will follow me along the way.
My college experience so far has been a great experience. Living on campus has made me a more responsible and mature individual. I am looking forward to graduating from college in the year 2013. And pursuing a career in Communication/ Graphic designs I will never forget this experience. I have to really thank my mom for all th sacrifices she had to make inorder to put me through college. I also want to thank her for pushing me into doing good in school and always telling me that without a good education it will be hard getting a good job. So thank you Mom!
I learned to be independent by taking care of responsibilities. Starting college was intimidating but later helped me build confidence. I acheived success by managing my time, doing my coursework one piece at a time, and following a list of duties I needed to do. I felt that I explored the entire world unlike high school. The more I learned and the harder I worked the sooner it will be for me to reach my goals in life.
My college experience has shown me how to learn, the ability to make good decisions. It has led me to meet many new people and to be open to diversity.
The first time I read an article by Newsweek's Fareed Zakaria, I knew I wanted to be a journalist. I was aimless when I enrolled in my introductory journalism class, but I was quickly engulfed by a community of students and instructors that wanted to me to succeed and had the skills to guide me through my educational journey.
I started writing and reporting for the community college online news publication and had a "real world" experience of what my career will be like on a fast-paced news beat. Working with other students that are my colleagues and in some cases my supervisors; I have learned the importance of meeting deadlines and producing quality work that I am proud to put my name on. Because of my college education, journalism ethics are engrained in my code of ethics as I continue reporting and working towards my journalism degree and career.
Through electives like computer design and sociology, my college career has also equipped me with two important things that most employers look for in a successful candidate: technical skills and openness to diversity.
I have got the ability to attend college because no one in my family has ever been and most haven't graduated from high school. I have met many people and made a ton of new friends. Its been valuable to be me because I know once I get through my college years I can still do anything I want to do.
The most I have gotten out of my experience at SUNY IT is that I am in a school with friends that I can learn from. I started learning computer programming and 3D modeling. I would have never been able to get the tools and help before I came to SUNY IT but now that I'm here I have great new friends and new skills.
I have gotten so much out of my college experience. Confidence would probably be the most valuable thing. I look back at what I have already accomplished and it gives me the courage to continue. I feel like I can do this because I have been doing it. Every time I finish a class, I look back and think, wow, I did that. Confidence gives people power. Once you feel like you have no limits, you just keep going. Knowledge is like an addition, once you get a taste of it, you want more. There is so much out there to obtain. Education is truly a gift and privilege that can not be taken away once it is obtained. We are laying the foundation for the future and we need educated people to do that, I’m just glad that I live in a place that allows opportunities for a college education. Education is the key to a successful future.
I wanted desperately to love my family, and my interest in psychology enabled me to do just that. My college education saved me from the darkness that blinded my family as my father’s alcoholism wreaked havoc on our lives. I learned that I was not alone, and I was not crazy for having questions. In fact, having questions meant I was sane, and having something to learn meant there was a way to break my family’s cycle of addiction and broken marriages.
Thanks to my education, I found compassion for my dad, even as his recklessness dramatically affected my life. The invaluable information I gained in classes served me greatly when I had to understand what happened the day my father went to prison for Voluntary Manslaughter. Throughout the chaos of the trial that followed his arrest, I clung to my education.
Now I realize that my education will enable me to produce and provide the information that saved me. I’m grateful to be afforded the opportunity to one day prevent such heartbreak for other families with my future career in psychology.
Looking back, my college experience was literally nothing like what I thought it would be when I moved on campus freshman year. I have learned so much about myself that living at home and going to community college would have never provided me. I have learned that I can really work hard to earn my grades and still balance a healthly social life. I learned a lot about myself socially as well. I learned that it is true that you should never go to college with your best friend. I learned that I need to be assertive and not let people walk all over me. I learned how to know who my true friends are. All of these lessons is why it was so valuable to attend SUNYIT. Without this experience I would have never done all of the cliche college things (all nighters). I also would have never thought I was capable to do well and become a strong independant woman in the business world. I would have never gotten to be apart of a NCAA sport. Finally, it has been valuable to attend because I now know more about who I am.