Dining hall food is nothing to write home about (but at least you won't be packing on the dreaded Freshman 15!), the "town" of Swarthmore (which is technically a borough) is a pitiful excuse for a college town, and you will find that you spend much of your weekends working (or rather, feeling guilty for not working).
Swarthmore is a cool place but it has its fault. Work is tough, some professors are mean/annoying, but that's life. I'd say that the appearance of Swarthmore (inside of dorms, dining hall, etc.) could use some work.
I love it here. I couldn't imagine being anywhere else
Swarthmore is a great place but it is a pressure cooker. The academics ARE really intense, far more so than at most other schools (judging by my workload compared to that of my friends at other places). But the campus is beautiful and the people are really great.
Swarthmore is a great school, in the larger scheme of elite colleges. However, there are many issues that it could improve upon.
Looking back on what I've written, I realize I at times brushed over some of the bumps and bruises of Swarthmore. There were times where I felt that "debate" was more discussion as not all sides (especially political) were fairly represented. There were many times when I was stressed beyond belief due to workload. There were times when I was frustrated with self-segregation in the cafeteria due to race, language, activity, what have you.
But even with that said, Swarthmore is a pretty special place. If it were perfect, it would be boring and it wouldn't exist. It has its issues, but if you are a person who delights in thinking and questioning and being challenged, it's the place for you. The first thing that I was taught, my very first week of classes was to challenge everything, even what the teachers said. That's something important right there - that professors have weight because they are professors and so don't necessarily always treat you exaclty as equals, but you are not subservient either. They respect you and expect a lot from you. There are the "demi-gods" on campus, but they don't have to be.
Now almost a year out of school, I am happy to be done and moving on to new things. But, I am glad that I had the opportunity to attend Swarthmore. On the school side, it honed my ability to think, to make connections between seemingly unrelated things, and set me up for some really great opportunities. My friends are some of the most amazing people I have ever met, even with their foibles and idisyncracies, I love them the more for it.
Honestly, it takes a specific type of person to come to Swat and be happy. So come and visit before you make your decision, you'll know.
spend some serious time here prior to coming, also get involved early to find niche in pecking order. very hierarchical.
swat is very unique
just be aware this school is not the most efficient. in fact equality over efficiency is sort of a school motto. But the people are accepting and friendly, as is the staff, so if you thrive in the environment where eveyone knows your name, this is the place for you. You will def. be challenged academically socially, emotionally and in every other way. But if you keep your sanity, you will never forget the friends you make. Plus, it doesnt help to have a Wii, playstation 3, Xbox, etc in the gameroom for a break from reality. Really take advantage of all the things that swarthmore can offer you.