Swarthmore College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Swarthmore College accurate?




Every stereotype is based in some accurate moment, however, with the changing demographic, the people are changing. I see a much more mainstream class arriving each year. Having been involved with some of my classmates romantically, I can't agree holistically with the statement on looks, although there are some here who seek opportunities to make fashion statements and there is a general lack of trying to look good. Cosmetics are not worn for the most part, and standard wear is sweat_____ (shirt, pants, etc.)


It is true that students are hard working, but we learn how to manage our time to have fun.


To a large extent, yes. I don't know any Swattie who regularly has free time or peace of mind. Conservatives are a definite minority


To some extent, but you have to choose what you like, the best part is that you are guaranteed that you will find community in what you do choose.


These stereotypes are only true to a certain extent. Because so many swarthmore students are so dedicated to and passionate one special thing, a lot of the students seem "nerdy." I think the standard for beauty is a little different here. Physically, people look the same as any students at any other school, but the difference is that people at Swarthmore are less concerned with superficial things like always being well-dressed or always wearing makeup. It's really nice to feel like you can go to dinner in your pjs and not worry about being judged.


Probably to some extent. But it's probably just as true as of other schools, and I think that most of the time the work is manageable (at least in my experience). Also, I really think that students are proud of the work that they do, and most of their complaining is just letting steam about things that they actually like, but can be very difficult. Either way, I'm having a lot of fun, and I'm learning much, much, much more (and in more meaningful ways) than I ever did in my high school classes. Doing lots of reading and writing hard papers is character-building, and can also be fun.


This really isn't the case. From other people I have met who attended similar colleges they seemed to be given just about as much work as I have over the last four years.


They're based on reality, but of course it's more complicated than that. We have a lot of work, but it varies depending on what classes you take, how many extracurriculars you have, and how good you are at managing your time. When it does get overwhelming, professors tend to be very understanding and good about giving extensions. We aren't really unattractive; we just don't put an awful lot of effort into our looks. We put our effort into our studies, into our extracurriculars, and into our friends instead. I think that makes Swatties MORE attractive, not less; they're too passionate about other things they want to do to take time to put on make-up.


To some degree. People here definitely are quirky and therefore their interactions with others can be considered awkward. Though people can be awkward, they are nice and their awkwardness is part of their charm.