Swarthmore College Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Swarthmore College?


My favorite part of Swarthmore College is the trust demonstrated by the administration resulting in the freedoms the students are granted on campus. For example, the academic buildings are almost never locked, allowing students to use lecture halls for serious matters like student led initiatives or casual showings of the Super Bowl and the Oscars. This trust is a privilege, not a given which speaks to the character of the students. The students on campus and the freedoms the administration rewards the students is unique to only Swarthmore and is my favorite part about the institution.


I brag about the availability of my professors. All the professors who are there, are there to interact with the students beyond the classroom. There is free printing on campus, and other colleges and universities know you worked hard when you say you attended Swarthmore. Swarthmore also gives a lot of financial aid, so not having enough money to attend Swarthmore is never an issue. It is an environment of intelletuals and you and your mind will definitely grow as a result of your peers.


Atmosphere and environment. The campus is beautiful, the professors are friendly, the people are interesting, (generally) nice, and eccentric.


Excellent professors and interesting theory based approach to learning.


The academic rigor at my school, the topics I am studying about, the campus culture, the environmental activism, the intellectual curiosity.


It was beautiful and intellectually challenging. Everyone was challenged to be a better person and work harder. There was rarely a dull moment--always something to debate or discuss.