Swarthmore College Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Swarthmore College?

Is Swarthmore College a good school?

What is Swarthmore College known for?


I'm from California, so generally people don't react when I say I go to Swarthmore, or they ask me why I would go all the way to Pennsylvania to attend a school that they've never heard of. I feel that the Swarthmore community, and the Swarthmore administration are very open to discussion. If there is anything I wanted to change, I feel that even if I could not actually change it, someone would be able to give me a logical reason as to why it could not be (for example, it's just too expensive to serve all-organic food at the dining hall). I think that Swarthmore has a very distinct sort of school pride. It's not a screaming, drunken, chest-painting sort of school pride, it's more of a sober, somewhat sarcastic, a little bit intellectually distant sort of school pride. We're a little bit arrogant, but we tend to take our school fairly seriously, and you'll meet a lot of people who are very dedicated to making Swarthmore the most socially sensitive, politically aware and academically stimulating place that it can be.


Swarthmore's located 20 minutes outside of Philadelphia by train. It's in an area where there's literally dozens of other prestigious colleges. So, don't think that when you get here you're in some unique place in the vicinity around you. It's just another small college town surrounded by many. Honestly, I really don't like this place. I hate the student body and I wish I had never come here in the first place. I am dead serious. The administration is very welcoming, however, and they really work with you if you have problems.


Swarthmore is small enough that you know, whenever you meet somebody, you'll probably run into them again without putting an effort into it. This is great for making new friends, but tricky when you want to avoid someone. At the same time, there are enough people that there will always be people you don't know. Sometimes, however, when you meet someone for the first time, you actually each know a lot about each other already. That can be awkward or entertaining, depending on your take. Just don't do anything you'll be ashamed of, and you'll be fine. The administration is exceptionally efficient and friendly. A lot of students are on first-name basis with many deans, and they really look out for us. There's not much school pride as far as sports go, but if two Swatties run into each other anywhere in the world and discover their common college, they'll be instant friends.


Swarthmore's campus is gorgeous. During the spring days I often find a nice tree to sit under, the cherry blossoms are particularly nice, to do work, or I people watch on "the Beach". One thing I would change about Swarthmore would be the food. Sharples grub is pretty much that, grub. I understand that it is difficult to prepare food for all of us to eat, but still the quality could be a bit better. We need nutritious meals for our ever expanding minds! Also we need a facility that serves food after 10:30pm, because most of us are awake till at least 2:00am during the week.


When I talk about Swat I generally get one of two responses - where's that? Or WOW - You got in THERE! And a look of growing respect. It's quite flattering. :-) I LOVE it here. The school is tiny, and a lot of the seniors get tired of that after awhile, but it means that the profs are really available and everything is nice and flexible. The school really tried to suit itself to your needs. I love the people, too - when I got here in the Fall I was just AMAZED at how friendly and helpful people were. I stopped being shy about asking for help or directions because people were so happy to give them.


Although many people have not heard of Swarthmore, it is considered to be one of the top academic and activist institutions. I love that I can have the academic rigor and still be involved in many organizations. The size of the school is great because you can get a lot of individual attention and really get to know your professors well; it also makes it easy to find your friends, whether for eating or at a party.


I think that the best part about Swarthmore is that all of the students have different ways of being smart, which serves to enhance the atmosphere of the school. If I could change anything, I would either have more than one main dining hall, or I would make the food in the one dining hall better. I think this would enhance the lives of all of the students. I think that our administration is very accessible and open to students' opinions and concerns.


When I tell people that I go to Swarthmore they react in one of two ways: 1) They smile and ask "why would you do that to yourself?" I usually reply because I love it! 2) They get a bewildered look on their face and ask "Where is that?" And I reply in a smug manner, all the while thinking that they have no idea how smart I am and that while they are judging me, I too am judging them for not knowing about one of the top schools in the country. 3) They are surprised and ask how I like it and then go on to tell me of someone they know who has some vague amorphous connection to Swarthmore. I usually enjoy talking to these people because they understand how great the college is! Oh wait that's three reactions...


Swatties work hard, but mostly they're just overcommitted everybody is highly involved in things they enjoy and things that they think are important. The result is a student body full of exciting, motivated people.


When I tell people to come to Swarthmore, they first react by not knowing where the school located. I feel that it is unfortunate that many people do no understand how great of a school Swarthmore is. The academic rigor is very real but it is worth it.