Syracuse University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


How the science program worked. As a high school senior I didn't think about actually researching the programs I was applying to, and I just researched the schools in genera. Sometimes, there is difference... and it's good to know what you are getting yourself into. Look at the course selection and requirements!


I wish I knew that the concept of obtaining internships is very important here. There are centers on campus devoted to getting students real-world, hands on experience. Professors stress this a lot too, not only for experience itself, but for an impressive resume. Students, however, have to take the initiative in the matter.


That greek life played such a big role in social activities. You are looked down upon if you are not in a fraternity or not in one of the "better" fraternities.


That internships that are geographically away can be more costly than school housing and food!


I wish I had known what I wanted to major in before I started school.


It is definitely cold and windy. The walks to and from class can be a killer in the winter, but you get used it. The weather really doesn't stop the campus and everything continues normally even with feet of snow on the ground.


To buy rainboots!


there are alot of parties going on during weekends and even thursday and monday are counted as weekend in my school.