Tarleton State University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Tarleton State University?


I brag about how new all the structures around campus are, and how young the music program is.


The small classes are great! Each teacher really cares if individuals succede and are there to support you. Most of the professors are former Tarleton students and support the traditions and cellebrations. Our traditions are also great. We are known for the "Purple Poo," a secret spirit organization that host various traditions and show up when you don't expect them. They are covered from head-to-toe and use voice changers so no one can identify them. . Our Texan rider, Oscar P. (the founder's pet duck), and the plowboys are all iconic spirit participants.


We don't mind getting dirty. People come to class dressed appropriately and occasionally have to come in from the farm and no one cares.


The thing I brag about most when I tell my friends about my school is my job. The university, despite it's many falws, has givin me a great job that pays better than any job I've ever had.


I like how it's like a small community and everyone treats each other like family. That's what tarleton is like a big family and you get to meet different people and make new friends and connections.


I brag the most about our school spirit. We have so many rich traditions that make the school what it is. I also brag about how friendly our campus is. I have never been to another University with so much spirit, tradition, and love for the campus and university itself.


I brag mostly about the nursing program. It is challenging and brings out the hard worker in a person. I feel like I am learning more than enough to become a successful nurse in the future.


Small campus that is centered in a relatively small town. Great school to get to know friends and community. Small town home feel.


The atmosphere


When bragging about Tarleton, the statements usually consist of informing people of how informing the advisors are. They really do get involved with all the students to the best of their abilities and do everything in their power to help us succeed.