Tarrant County College District Top Questions

Describe the students at Tarrant County College District.


Most of my classmates are enthusiastic learners while others are wanting to go home.


My classmates are very friendly. Of course, what else can you expect but Southern hospitality in Texas? Everywhere I turn, there's always someone greeting me with a warm smile. I love attending TCC, for the simple fact that I can make a new friend everyday, no matter what class I am in. My classmates make my learning environment so much more enjoyable.


Sadly, many of my classmates simply go to school to "get the job done" and not to enjoy the experience of college itself. Overall, my school is full of all different kinds of people, but most are introverted, and simply go to school just to get the credits. Some people are at the community college because they don't want to look like a failure, but they don't neccessarily want to go to class either, so they hover somewhere in the middle. Most go in hopes of transfering, and moving on to greater things though.


My classmates consist of a wide array of ages and backgrounds.


My classmates are very focused now that i am in college. Unlike high school, where there are so many distractions that can sometimes keep you from taking in the material properly. Once you start paying for college you realize you can't goof off anymore and you have to soak up as much information as possible in order to be successful.


Very friendly always eager to help but the school isn't very diverse and most of the people there are the peopleyou knew from high school.


My classmates all seem prepared to learn; I assume they are more prepared for the college world than I am. I am the first in my family to attend college and I'm not quite sure what to expect. Others in the class I feel are ahead of me as their parents probably pushed them to go to college and get an education.


I do not really know my classmates that well but what I can tell about them is that they are good people who are very serious about getting their education and moving to a higher learning institution.


My classmate are always excited and hungry to learn, they are not afraid to get help or ask questions, and they believe in making good grades.


A blended mix of fiscally savvy, progressive, or taking a second chance at college.