The worst thing about Temple is that for some conservative students, such as myself, students tend to be very aggresive towards. The teachers do not act the same way though. In fact, many of the teachers push students with opposing view points to be heard in class. Also, the teachers make sure to stress that both liberal and conservative viewpoints are valid political stances. This helps a student fit in with their fellow classmates since Temple University students are very politcally driven. Other than this, sometimes it is hard to find a computer that works or a stronf wireless signal.
I would consider the surronding area around Temple University to be the worst thing about it. The security and campus lighting is very good, but the area directly outside of campus has a very high crime rate.
One thing that I would consider the worst about Temple University would have to be their gen-ed requirements, their breath courses are the killers. It is required that you fulfill 11 gened courses just because that's required of the university.While trying to complete your courses for your major let alone, which is alot, you still have to make sure you fulfill the university's gened requirements. Not to mention the gened courses are harder than your major courses. So this is what I would consider to be th worst thing about Temple University.
The bookstore is the only thing that I do not like. I feel that the books are over priced difficult to get books elsewhere with the small amout of information provided on the bookstore website about a specific book.
The advisor staff. They gave contradictory information to peers which usually required one or two classes after what they had already believed to be their last semester. I watched many peers receive false information from advisors; in fact I received some myself. Their turnover rate seemed to be high and training almost nonexistent. This situation did increase individual independence as the best of us figured out how to graduate on our own.
The worst thing about Temple is the meal plans. You are only allowed to use your meal plan one meal per meal time. This would be fine except for the fact that if you have a meal plan for 15 meals per week and are left with 7 unused meals on the last day you can not use them mulitple times during a selected meal time you can only use one meal during that time period. It waste your meals and wastes money that you paid for those meals.
The worst thing about Temple University has nothing to do with the school itself, but rather it's urban setting, where many students can, in one minute find themselves safely traveling from one class to the next, and in just a matter of seconds, find themselves walking dangerously onto the territory of gangs or the socially unfriendly. The school does encourage students to travel with friends and in large groups, so many don't have to experience the negative side of urban living, which may with time presrent itself to be inevitable.
The informality of the students. Many students here do not seem to take their studies seriously, and as a result, this attitude tends to rub off on you. Many students sleep during lectures, text, play on their computers etc. This is extremely irritating to those who are there to learn and engage in discussion.
I think the worst thing about Temple University is their Chemistry department. I transferred from the University of Pittsburgh to Temple my second semester as a Chemistry major. I did not do very well in my chemistry class at Temple. I believe the teachers and teaching assistants need to take a more hands on approach to helping their students succeed. I have now switched majors from Chemistry to Physical Anthropology and am doing much better with my courses.
Temple University seems to be a great university that in-holds great experience. I haven't really experienced anything that was outstandingly bad because anything that I am in need for, there would usually be lots of sources. The only thing I can say that I've had a problem with attending Temple University, is the Financial Aid. That was really a kick in the behind trying to figure out how to pay for the extra dues that I had. Temple is very expensive, and financial aid was probably the worst thing I've dealt with so far attending Temple.