Tennessee Wesleyan University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Tennessee Wesleyan University know before they start?


Leah, Dont be afraid to go be yourself. Your family will survive and thrive without you there so dont spend so much time worrying and missing them. They want to see you grow into the person that you will become. Also, don't be afraid to go for the gold! I know what your dreams are and in order for them to succeed you have to continue being the hardworking person I know you to be. Hardwork will beat talent when talent doesn't work hard. You came in as number one dont be afraid to jump into that position with both feet. You are a natural and strong leader more than you know. Just because you are though doesn't mean you have to be emotionless. Take some time for you, you give so much to other people and rarely take time for yourself, i know thats your passion is helping others reach their potential, but take a step back sometimes and just relax. It will help you much more than you think. Finally, Leah you are incredibly talented, incredibly smart and beautiful and the whole world is yours for the taking. Just get out there and take it!


Don't be scared. Teachers are more willing to help than you think. You're not as dumb as you think you are. People believe in you and support you in ways you never thought were possible. People love you, your passion for music, and your passion to help others. Music Therapy is going to be harder to pursue than you thought. The transition you are about to partake is going to be a hard one. You will have to ask more questions, you'll fail more, but you will succeed more. In that process of trial and error, you need to let yourself build confidence in who you are and what you want to become. The biggest thing you need to learn before going into this is that whatever work you put into something will dramatically effect your results. You were able to get by with certain things in high school, but you will learn about this aspect in life in very hard ways if you don't put in the effort. Money will become a struggle, but don't lose heart. If you have a genuine approach to everything, you will get genuine results. Foremost, love all.


College is not something many high school seniors take lightly. They finally get to be on their own, and not worry about mom and dad for a while. For me however, college changed my life. I moved out permanently from my house, and have had to worry about bills and insurance and money constantly. I would tell my high school self to be smart about college, pick the classes you are going to enjoy, but also the classes you need. Try to have as much fun and be as open as you can about everything. From new people to new class material, having an open mind is what helps the most with the transition from high school to college. Have fun, but take classes seriously. Your education is what is ultimately going to take you places in life, and you don't want to mess that up.


Do your homework and go to class. if you don't you will ruin your entire relationship and future.


I would definitly warn myself about how different college really is compared to high school. I would tell myself to stop slacking off and prepare better. You can't just get away with doing the bare minimum so stop procrastinating and work harder. I would tell myself that this is the opportunity of a life time and that in order to achieve all the high set goals I've created for myself, I need to study more, waste less time, and really show my worth. Take the tutoring when it's offered to you, be to class on time every day, and do not be afraid to ask questions. You can't treat college like you treat high school and if you don't start getting over your laziness now, college is really going to kick you hard when you get started. Grow up now and show everyone just how smart you really are. Your capable of so much more than what you've showed in high school, now prove it.


Dear Brittney, You may not be certain of what the road ahead may hold. Your at a time in your life where all sorts of dreams and ambitions are tugging you into a million directions. Depsite the pressure your under, I urge you, in this, your final year to take the time to broaden your horizons and try new and exciting things. Volunteer and discover the joy that comes from serving others. Try out for a theatrical production and learn new and exciting ways to express yourself. Join the math club and seek academic excellance. Hopefully, as you open up yourself to these new expierances you will come to unearth your true passion inside. And once you do this, RUN WITH IT! Chase after, nuture, and develop that talent all the while never forgetting that you must use it to help make the world a better place. I know you will grow up to great and amzaing things! YOU ROCK! Love, Your Future Self


If i could go back in time and and talk to myself as a high school senior, i would emphasize on a lot of things that were not mentioned before. For example, I would explain how vital responsibity is; in college there is nobody there to hold your hand. You alone, are responsible for your own decisions. It is your job to decide whether or not you are going to put forth the extra effort to really excel in all that you do. This is crucial because unlike high school, the only person that is held responsible for both success and failure is yourself. You do not have to worry about satisfying your parents or put forth efforts to refrain from being punished. College is a choice! Before attending, you have to know that it is hard and long process and you have to make that decision on whether you are willing to pursue it. Most importantly, I would stress the expense of college. I think you should know your major when you begin in order to prevent extra years that result in a very large amount of money that could have been prevented.


I would tell myself to enjoy high school because after graduation I would not see most of my friends again. I would tell myself to be active in every club that is possilbe, do as much community service as possilbe, and to start applying for many more scholarships earlier.


Amy, start looking at four year colleges in Tennessee now. Yes, the community college nearby is closer and cheaper, but you are not going to look at transfer agreements. In the long run, it will be a waste of at least 20 hours plus your gas money. Check out Lee University. It is close to home, you will move to Cleveland anyway, and it has reasonable cost. Taking the cheap way out now will cost you in the end. To you, college is not about the party life. You want to be a teacher, help mold children into respectable citizens, and will not settle for anything less. So go for it. You will soon have a family that will depend on your education. Don't be cheap now and pay for it in the end. Your life does not have to revolve around money, so don't let it. Not now. Not ever.


I would tell myself to enjoy every moment of the education process. High school is a once in a lifetime deal, and you shoudl get the most out of it. Also, college takes hardwork and determination. In order to remain successful in college, you must set your goals and strive to meet them. I would tell myself to learn as much as you possibly can because it only further helps you in the long run. One of the most important things that I wish I could have told myself was that keeping current friendships and relationships would be the hardest thing you would have to do. Since I play basketball and take full loads of classes each semester, it is difficult to stay in touch with past friends. I would tell myself to keep every moment that you spend with your friends close to your heart becuase once everyone goes on their own ways, you will not see them much. However, your friends will make new friends, as will you! You will meet new people each day that will brighten your world. The last thing I would say is to have fun, enjoy life, and love every second of college.