Texas A & M University-Commerce Top Questions

Describe the students at Texas A & M University-Commerce.


As with every college around the world, students are determined to achieve the degree of thier preference along with a deeper knowledge of cultural and political awareness. I believe that most of my classmates strive to gain the abundance of knowledge beyond their major just as fervently as they would major specific facts.


If i had to describe my classmates in one sentence I would have to say that they are immature imbosol.


They are really sweet.


My classmates are crazy and funny.


Classmates at Texas A&M-Commerce are very helpful, encouraging,influnced,postive students. They feel more like family then stangers or classmates,.


There is a very diverse population of students in my classes.


Honestly, a lot of students treat this university like its high school for big kids. They gossip just teenagers and can often times be just as petty as teenagers, but once you begin to surround yourself with more mature individuals it becomes so much more life-changing. The university is working hard to bring in students from all over the world and recently admitted apx 150 Korean students, which is a big deal here.


My classsmates are mixed with a younger and older crowd. Some are immature, nice, sweet, mature, and playful.


Willing to help and usually on the same page.


My classmates were optimistic, intelligent and fun-loving individuals.