Texas Christian University Top Questions

Describe the students at Texas Christian University.


My classmates are diverse but mostly upper class frat/soriorty girl


This is one of the most unique things about TCU. It is important to join a club of some sort to get involved on campus. I am a very religious person and have gotten involved in a local church as well as a ministry for middle school and high school kids. I have gotten to know a lot of different people through organizations and classes, but I know that each person is different in their own ways and try to accept it. Students are predominantly from right-winged, middle-class families, but each student has his or her own opinion that brings forth several perspectives.


TCU has a good amount of diversity, and I think most people can find groups that they are able to fit in with. Most students don't dress up for class. You can find most girls wearing workout type clothes during the day, and most guys wearing basic shorts and t shirts. Most of the people I know that go to TCU are from Texas.


I am actually a Student Body Officer on campus and I could not be more proud of this honor. I have served in this position for two years and have enjoyed every moment of it. Our student body is very unique and we pride ourselves in that. upon entering the main dining hall, you might see athletes, fraternity men, band students, members from the religious organizations on campus, sorority women, and students who opt out of organizations to focus on academics. No matter what you do, who you are, and what you believe in, TCU is the place for you. A great majority of students are from Texas (probably over 60{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}) but I have friends from other states and even other countries. Financial backgrounds vary as well - some students have private jets and other students, like myself, are quite content driving a Hyundai. There is a very strong support for all sides of the political spectrum - we have had several politicians and guest lecturers on campus and have seen a surprising support at all events. Students at TCU are driven - they look forward to the future and take pride in their Horned Frog roots.


There are a lot of white and close minded people on this campus. The other half of the campus however is made of tolerant, accepting and diverse people. I think it actually is pretty even between the two groups, avoiding any kind of major issue. There are issues about homosexuals not being comfortable being open on our campus and also a lot of negativity towards the football team. This is because most of the black students on campus are only there for sports and consequesntly the sports players get a lot of undeserved benefits that academic scholars do not get (i.e. paid for meal plans, picking classes befor honor students, better dorms, etc.)


the student body is very diverse and the sga has great representatives


You are greek or not and that divides part of the campus.


TCU is mostly white. Anyone can tell that from just stepping on TCUs campus. it would be nice for some more diversity, but I know TCU really does try as hard as possible to make the student body diverse. Main groups are separated into fraternities & sororites, the few asian/indian exchange students, black people, and non-greeks. I would have to say that stuff is pretty segregated nad people usually stick to their main groups.


We are not a really diverse campus. Most people who attend TCU are middle to upper class white males and females. And it shows around campus everyday. I'm currently in summer school at TCU and I have been around the most diversity I have ever been around in my two years at TCU. I'm living next door to three African American track athletes. It is a new experience for me, especially because I'm use to living in the sorority house.


i feel like most students here have a lot of money. i feel that the students that feel out of place are the ones who arent rich and are of a race other than white. most students wear polo shirts/nike workout shorts/big tshirts to class, of course complete with the jon hart bags. i, along with most others, notice that all of the black people know and hang out with each other. every time i see two on campus, they wave and talk... i swear they all know each other.