No! There is a strong Greek presence and many people are filthy rich, but that does not even come close to describing everyone at the school. You have to get to know people here to see that we are so much more than that.
Yes, the average TCU student is fairly affluent, white, and most likely involved in the Greek system. Yes, a lot of TCU students party - but mostly only the large proportion that are Greek. If you aren't in a fraternity or sorority or close friends with someone who is, you won't even know when and where the parties are, let alone what stupid slutty costume to wear.
So, yes. The stereotype of TCU students is probably absolutely accurate.
Well, it's partly true. Kids here indeed come from rich families, but I don't think of them as spoiled kids (and I am not from a rich family by any scale to say that) Most people I met are so nice and accessible. Yes, some of them may like to throw out parties every day, and some are spoiled, but none of them has bothered me yet. I am somewhat a quiet and nerdy guy, and I feel completely comfortable here.
Some are; a lot of students are part of the Greek System. There are a lot of seriously genuine people in sororities and fraternities, and you can't base who a person is off of what club they belong to. People do work hard, they just also play hard. They know that college is hard work but after the work is done they know how to just kick back and enjoy being in college. I have grown a lot being at TCU, and I've found some amazing friends who are hard workers but at the end of the day know what's important in life.
TCU has a very "diverse" campus in that it is home to many unique individuals - students are involved in everything from Greek organizations to academic programs to honor societies to athletics. Our students come from all walks of life and represent various socioeconomic classes, ethnicities, religions, and beliefs. Some students might drive a BMW, others might prefer to commute by city bus or bicycle. Not every student is filthy rich - the University provides excellent opportunities for scholarships, grants, and loans.
Everyone has their own hobbies and areas of interest during their free time. It would be a lie to say no one parties at TCU, but it is not a "party school." Some people might throw a party, others might go out for dinner and a movie...there is something for everyone!
There are a lot of rich people at tTCU but also a lot with scholarships. Yes the people are pretty, but unfortunately that race has caused a huge eating disorder problem.
Not necessarily-- like any college, the