Sororities and Frats, and people who worship the school and everything about it. The ones who conform, rather than question or speak up about things. The ones who don't innovate. Aka group think. Obviously, since the clubs and associated students don't seem to really exist or have much activity. The latter I think was never even publicized.
Sororities and Frats, and people who worship the school and everything about it. The ones who conform, rather than question or speak up about things. Aka group think. Obviously, since the clubs and associated students don't seem to really exist.
There are several different organization on TCU's campus, just like any other campus, but I think TCU has some pretty unique organizations. Student Foundation is an organization that I am a part of here at TCU. I had to apply and then go through an interview process to become a member of Student Foundation. This organization is a group of students from all classes, who give tours to perspective students and families, work at alumni events, and call our donors to thank them for their generous donations! The members of Student Foundation do all of this for free! This is a completely volunteer-based organization, which is totally different from most schools. Most tour guides at other colleges are paid students who do it to get money. The members of Student Foundation give tours because we love TCU and we want to brag to others about it!!
If students are in their rooms, then they leave their doors open for the most part. A lot of the time students hang out in the game room, movie room, or living rooms of their dorms though, so that isn't really a need to keep your door open if everyone is hanging out in the same place anyway.
Athletic events are extremely popular at TCU! Students get in free to all athletic events - all you have to do is swipe your student ID. There are always promotions going on as well to draw more students in - free food, t-shirts, cups, etc. The most popular would obvious be football, followed by baseball and men's basketball!
TCU has several annual traditions including the Christmas tree lighting ceremony and the concert. Each ear the TCU student government (SGA) hosts a concert for TCU students. It's free for all students with the swipe of their student ID, and each student is allowed to bring 1 friend for free! This past year we hosted The Fray, last year we hosted Lady Antebellum, and the year before that we hosted OneRepublic!
There are several different organization on TCU's campus, just like any other campus, but I think TCU has some pretty unique organizations. Student Foundation is an organization that I am a part of here at TCU. I had to apply and then go through an interview process to become a member of Student Foundation. This organization is a group of students from all classes, who give tours to perspective students and families, work at alumni events, and call our donors to thank them for their generous donations! The members of Student Foundation do all of this for free! This is a completely volunteer-based organization, which is totally different from most schools. Most tour guides at other colleges are paid students who do it to get money. The members of Student Foundation give tours because we love TCU and we want to brag to others about it!!
If students are in their rooms, then they leave their doors open for the most part. A lot of the time students hang out in the game room, movie room, or living rooms of their dorms though, so that isn't really a need to keep your door open if everyone is hanging out in the same place anyway.
Athletic events are extremely popular at TCU! Students get in free to all athletic events - all you have to do is swipe your student ID. There are always promotions going on as well to draw more students in - free food, t-shirts, cups, etc. The most popular would obvious be football, followed by baseball and men's basketball!
TCU has several annual traditions including the Christmas tree lighting ceremony and the concert. Each ear the TCU student government (SGA) hosts a concert for TCU students. It's free for all students with the swipe of their student ID, and each student is allowed to bring 1 friend for free! This past year we hosted The Fray, last year we hosted Lady Antebellum, and the year before that we hosted OneRepublic!
Greek life dominates TCU. Most students are a member of some kind of fraternity or sorority. I, myself, am a member of a sorority, and I love it! We do all kinds of fun events, as well as community service with our philanthropy. My dorm has a very communal feel and I feel like we're all good friends. Athletic events are VERY popular. Most people attend our football games and baseball games, especially. I met my closest friends from my dorm and my sorority, and if I'm awake at 2 AM on a Tuesday, I'm probably studying with them. People party every weekend, and if you're into that kind of thing, you'll always be able to find a party. If you're not, into that, there's plenty of things to do. You can go to the rodeo or to Billy Bob's, the world's largest Honky Tonk!
Student Activities/Groups
What are the most popular groups/organizations/clubs/teams on campus? The Crew, intramural sports, organizations within each majors, fraternities, sororities, club sports, the TCU teams, and a lot more
Tell us about a group you're involved with. Intramural Soccer: We play one a week, sometimes get together and practice and have a lot of fun!
How popular are athletic events? Extremely popular, especially football and baseball games
If you're awake at 2am on a Tuesday, what are you doing? Probably studying for a test the next day or watching TV
How often do people party? Usually every weekend, unless they have a really busy week coming up
What can you do on a Saturday night that doesn't involve drinking? Go to the movies, watch a movie with your friends at someone's dorm, go out to dinner, go bowling, get together at the recreation center and play basketball or racquetball, and much more.
The Greek scene is definitely pretty dominant on campus, but there are hundreds of other organizations to be involved with! Pretty much every person I know is involved with at least two student organizations! There is really something geared for everyone. The campus is very lively with something always going on - athletic events, plays, religious events, celebrations, recreational activities, pretty much anything! There is a pretty strong party scene, but there is so much to go if you're not into that! A lot of people like to go to Billy Bob's, the local honkytonk, or do other things in Fort Worth!
The Greek scene is definitely pretty dominant on campus, but there are hundreds of other organizations to be involved with! Pretty much every person I know is involved with at least two student organizations! There is really something geared for everyone. The campus is very lively with something always going on - athletic events, plays, religious events, celebrations, recreational activities, pretty much anything! There is a pretty strong party scene, but there is so much to go if you're not into that! A lot of people like to go to Billy Bob's, the local honkytonk, or do other things in Fort Worth!
Ignite, Student Government, theCrew, and Greek life are most popular. But you can find clubs for anything you can think of! Football games are the most popular, but unfortunately, a lot of students leave early or come late. So the student section empties out. All athletic events are free for students! The dating scene isn't anything too different, except that remember it's a smaller school than most, so if you have a bad date with someone, it's likely that you'll see them again. Some people party every day, some people don't party at all. If you don't want to drink, then there are a million other things to do on weekends!