Texas Christian University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Texas Christian University? Why?


Especially the first two years, the community on campus can be a little cliquey. Greek life is a big deal, and it takes folks a couple years to figure out it's okay to be friends with people all over campus. Generally people aren't rude about it, but those first two years they don't go out of their way to include those outside their immediate group either. It does get better, though, and it's a time worth waiting for! Some of my closest friends came from all different extracurricular walks of life.


Especially freshman year, everyone is pretty clique-y. TCU has a LOT of Greek organizations, and then all the non-Greeks bond, so everyone stays in those borders at first. People stop caring so much junior year and mix around a lot more, but the first two years can be rough.


The worse thing about my school is the being judged based off of my econmic background. I lucked out, I made friends who didn't care but that doesn't mean I haven't met a people who do. Alot care about what you're wearing if it's Tory Burch or Lulumelon, or that you vacation all over the world all the time. Some people have that luxury and I never hold it against them, but some hold it against me as if I'm not good enough by the clothes I wear or how much my parents make.


Two things I consider to be bad about this university is the price of tuition (and it being raised). My family can't afford it and I may have to withdraw from the only the school that made me embrace who I really am and grow into myself. The other bad thing about this univeristy is the lack of diversity. There are many international students, but I mainly only see people of my race out and about. I would love to meet more people with diverse backgrounds.


The worst thing about my school is the lack of diversity. It has all the right tools to culture a transitioning adult, but does not offer the cultural variety needed to trully develop someone as an accepting and progressive adult.


More and more students are being accepted and there isn't enough room. It's difficult to get a scholarship if you didn't get one coming in


If there is anything that is even slightly bad here at TCU, that would be the Greek Life. The statistics that show who is in Greek Life and who is not show that the majority are. As a girl it's not that big of a deal, we make friends with all kinds of other girls whether they're in a soroity or not. But for guys, if you're not in a fraternity it can be a little difficult to get involved.


The tuition is too high


It seems to be the general consensus around campus that the worst thing about TCU is the tuition. There are alot of very wealthy students that have no problem paying $42,000 + a year but not every student (including myself) has that in the bank.


The safety around the school is lacking. Joggers at night or in the early hours of the morning are getting robbed or attempted rape